[Diabetes-talk] Has anyone ever had this happen?

limestone lady limestonelady at samobile.net
Sat Sep 14 12:47:40 UTC 2013

Well, this is the strangest thing. Went to test my blood, and got what 
I consider too low a reading, which I won't post here, as our scale is 
different in canada. So, decided to try again. Well, I think we tried 
about seven or eight times, yes, I actually lost count, and no blood, 
after trying all the tricks I knew, so I settled for the low reading.
Has anyone here had this happen, and why do you think it does?
Also the manufacturer of my meter suggests that one not use the first 
drop of blood, as it might not contain whole blood, but what they call 
fluid and serum. Have you folks heard of this?
By the way, I take a baby aspirin in the morning and wonder if I should 
switch it to bedtime?

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