[Diabetes-talk] Prodigy Count-a-dose and Syringes

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Thu Dec 4 14:36:38 UTC 2014

Hi Mike, and all,

Until I got my medtronic pump several months ago, 
I used the syringes with shorter needles with my 
count-a-dose every day for many years without 
issues. I don't know if the language the 
manufacturer uses *requires* longer syringes, but 
the shorter ones worked fine for me for years. 
They were still long enough to get into the 
insulin bottles.

Problem I found with the shorter needles is that 
they sometimes seemed to not get the insulin deep 
enough into me to get past the scar tissue, if I 
wasn't careful as to where I injected.

Strive On!

----- Original Message ----- 
"Question: does use of viles and syringes with the 
Prodigy Count-a-dose require longer needles than 
the shorties now most commonly used by everyone?"

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