[Diabetes-talk] VeriSync OneTouch Meter and Reveal App

Alan Lemly walemly at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 16:41:20 UTC 2014

I just wanted to update the list with what I consider a positive experience.


I posted the other day about the LifeScan VerioSync  blood glucose meter
that works with the iPhone via bluetooth and has a companion app named
OneTouch Reveal for tracking readings. I downloaded the app to play around
with it and noticed several buttons that VoiceOver only read as "button". I
filled out a support request using the link in the app to inform the
developers of this and received a phone call yesterday from OneTouch
Support. The agent was very nice and was trying to review the app for what I
was talking about. He had turned on VoiceOver and like other sighted users
who do this inadvertently, was immediately lost because the gesture regime
works entirely differently from what he knew. After I gave him the VoiceOver
gesture basics, he found what I was talking about and said he would raise
the issue with the developers. He also said the VerioSync meter had been
released to the market in the past day or two.


I know it's early but I am encouraged that I received an immediate phone
call about my comment regarding the app's inaccessibility shortcomings. I
think courteous but persistent suggestions for improvement have to be
continual if we want change. I believe an app working with a bluetooth
capable meter will be easier to make accessible than the meter itself. If
assistance is required to get the meter set up as needed, at least this can
be done initially and the app can be used to monitor blood glucose readings,
etc. Perhaps at some point an accessible app will even allow the user to
tweak the settings on the meter. This seems to be the way many devices are


Alan Lemly

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