[Diabetes-talk] An Idea!

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Sat Mar 22 19:28:46 UTC 2014

Hello, everyone!


Those who have monitored this list for some time are undoubtedly familiar
with our continuing discussions as to what steps we can take to encourage
production of accessible insulin pumps, CGMS systems, home dialysis
equipment and the like. Indeed, many state DAN affiliates are spearheading
drives to get resolutions passed by their respective state affiliate
conventions calling attention to the lack of accessible advanced diabetes
equipment and proposing actions to take to ameliorate the situation.
Yesterday, I came up with a suggestion I will propose here and also bring to
the DAN Board.


In each state with a DAN affiliate, there is an affiliate of the American
Association of Diabetes Educators. It certainly couldn't hurt if each DAN
affiliate president worked to secure an opportunity to speak at the state
convention of that AADE affiliate to discuss the lack of accessible insulin
pumps, CGMS systems, home dialysis equipment etc. and to seek the assistance
of these AADE affiliates to urge development of such systems. If nothing
else, such presentations would be a great opportunity to "educate the
educators", many of whom are, sad to say, abysmally ignorant concerning
handling of diabetes by the blind.


Mike freeman, President

Diabetes Action Network

National Federation of the Blind


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