[Diabetes-talk] Diabetic pump questions

Walter Mitchell walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 16:16:00 UTC 2016

Hello all,


I have been a diabetic for several years, but have received more information
the brief time that I have been accessing  this mail list than I have the
entire time that I have been a diabetic.


If there is a document and/or diabetic pump for dummies pamphelet, LOL, some
where, please let me know.


My questions:


1.       Is it possible to remove the pump at times for convenience and re
attach at my leisure? I am a business owner and attend seminars and
conferences as well galas where I encounter potential clients and customers.
I already have a hard sale by being blind, I really don't want to look like
the million dollar man with this device in plain view, so at times I would
probably take it off when I deem appropriate.

2.       I am a type 2 diabetic and am not insulin dependant. Will the pumps
work with the other medications such as those that come in a pin? I can't
think of any of the names of any of the products at this time, senior
moment, LOL.

3.       What types of activities would I have to refrain from?

4.       How do the pump get refilled with medicine? Is  this something that
I do or will I need to go to my doctor?


This  is just a few questions that I have, please forgive me if these
questions have been asked and answered before. Please feel free to contact
me off line, if you would like, at the contact information below. Don't
hesitate to utilize the toll free number, L2T is my company.


Blind love is the answer, presently , and for our future!


Much Love,

Walter Mitchell

Member, NFB Ohio, Cincinnati chapter

(513) 582-8606 Mobil

(800) 340-8211 ext. 101  L2T Products and Services Toll free

Walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com Email


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