[Diabetes-talk] Final "No"!

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Thu Sep 15 00:05:53 UTC 2016

Just thought I would let you folks know that I received the almost, "Final
rejection" for the CGM that would go with the Medtronic's pump 530 G.  I was
told it could be brought in front of a judge for a final "No", but the
insurance company has the right to deny this due to Medicare not covering
it.  I was told that I can reapply for just the CGM if and when Medicare
approves the use of the CGM.

I really don't understand that when I started out looking into using a pump,
I was told that the insurance would not pay for the Medtronic 530 G unit.
That is the one that has the sensors and turn off if your blood sugars get
too low.  

I was told within the last month United Health approved the Medtronic 530 G
for me to get.  So I thought it was looking better for the CGM.  They called
me last week and told me "No".  

For those of you who are using Medtronics can you tell me if the low blood
sugar warning noise is loud?  Can you adjust the sound?

The salesman has not gotten answers to my questions and I am sitting here in
the dark feeling like I did when I went blind and I am giving the control of
my diabetes to someone else.  It took 2 years for me to learn how a blind
diabetic can take care of themselves independtly as the doctors I went to,
didn't have any ideas.

I have an appointment with the indocrinologist in October and I think we
need to talk about all of this.


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