[Diabetes-Talk] Diabetes Forecast 2017 Consumer Guide to Insulin Pumps

Alan Lemly walemly at gmail.com
Tue Oct 17 03:25:51 UTC 2017



I am cross-posting this to the diabetes-talk and blind-diabetics mailing


With the news last week that Animas is shutting down its insulin pump
business, I'm scrambling to find another pump to replace my Animas One Touch
Ping since I'll not be able to get insulin cartridges for it after 60 days
based on what Animas told me today. I found a very good table from the
Diabetes Forecast March/April, 2017 issue that contains a 2017 Consumer
Guide to Insulin Pumps that existed at that time. This table in PDF format
can be found here:




My screen reader never reads tabular PDF files correctly so that the
information is presented in the correct order. I therefore spent time
converting the information in the table to a Microsoft Excel file with row
one containing the column headings and rows 2 through 11 the ten different
pumps covered by the guide. You can download that Excel xlsx file here:




The file contains three different tabs and Sheet1 is the table of pump info.
I used the other two sheets to create the stacked file discussed in the
following paragraph.


Since some folks don't like spreadsheet files, I converted the tabular
information from the insulin pump consumer guide to a single column of text
that I placed in a marked up htm file. Each pump is at heading level 1 and
its details follow it. The file reads very well on an iDevice when opening
it from the Dropbox app and placing the rotor on headings and swiping down
will navigate among the different insulin pump models. The file can be
downloaded from here:




Be aware that the first two pumps in these files are the Animas models which
have been discontinued. The table is helpful for comparing their features to
the others in the guide to help locate the most similar remaining model.


I hope the above is helpful to someone and I welcome comments from others on
which pump you're switching to in the wake of the demise of Animas. You can
get the March/April 2017 Diabetes Forecast from the BARD site but I don't
believe the insulin pump table I've included for download in this post is
included in the audio.


Alan Lemly

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