[Diabetes-Talk] Accessibility of PKvitality - Only 3 days left to pre order K'Watch, the Glucose Tracker for Diabetics?

Paul Magill magills at bigpond.com
Wed Sep 27 22:59:03 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Hass anyone heard of how we might access the output of this device?

It sounds wonderful, and if they can get it to work, it would revolutionise  the way I live, but only if the information is accessible to the blind.

Hoping this is being considered by the developers.

Paul from Australia.

-----Original Message-----
From: Diabetes-Talk [mailto:diabetes-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of gary-melconian via Diabetes-Talk
Sent: Thursday, 28 September 2017 5:57 AM
To: 'Diabetes Talk for the Blind'
Cc: gary-melconian
Subject: [Diabetes-Talk] FW: PKvitality - Only 3 days left to pre order K'Watch, the Glucose Tracker for Diabetics



From: PKvitality [mailto:ContactCF at pkvitality.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 9:19 AM
To: gmelconian619 at gmail.com
Subject: PKvitality - Only 3 days left to pre order K'Watch, the Glucose Tracker for Diabetics











We thank you for your interest and confidence in our project. 

Note that the funds raised from the pre-order will be used to develop the product further and faster and will be used to secure the project until the plan is realized.

The pre-order period will expire on September 30, 2017.

Some updates about K'Watch:

*	The product needs to be submitted to and approved by local medical authorities.
*	 Clinical tests are necessary for this certification. As a backer, you can be placed on the priority list of Beta tests if you want. To signify interest to participate in the Beta test, please contact us at contact at pkvitality.com
*	 The product will be available by the end of 2018 if all stages of the project are carried out as planned, with possible variations depending on local certification processes.


Need more informations ?

We will keep you informed about the progress of the project via our PKvitality newsletter. We also invite you check our Facebook and Twitter pages for more blog updates.

Finally, we encourage you to browse our  <http://z35f.r.ca.d.sendibm2.com/track/click/2ufcj98ps6dhrd> Frequently Asked Questions ( <http://z35f.r.ca.d.sendibm2.com/track/click/2ufcj99i86dhrd> FAQs) which we update regularly.

Feel free to share the information with others who may be interested by inviting them to subscribe to our Newsletter: http://www.pkvitality.com/en/contact/

In the meantime, we welcome all feedback and we remain at your disposal for any inquiries.

Best regards,
The PKvitality Team



contact at pkvitality.com








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© 2017 PKvitality



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