[Diabetes-Talk] Dexcom problem

Doula Jarboe doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 21:36:51 UTC 2018

 Thank you everyone for your knowledge and advice. I'm struggling with
finding a good place where I won't knock it out. I'm now trying it on
the back of my arm to see if that works better. I'm hoping so, because
I'm feeling stupid and frustrated for something that seems like it
shouldn't be so hard. I think I'm having more of a challenge with just
dealing with it being a new device. I'll look into the overlay
patches, that might help. I do have a skin allergy to adhesives, my
body tends to make lihc more than just a little interesting. My
diabetes educater gave me a cool tip for the adhesive for the sensor
though. You use the allergy nose spray, and spray it on your skin
where you place the adhesive for the sensor. So far, it seems to be
working. I have silicone medical tape for my extra sensitive skin, so
am currently using that for extra nchoring. And I'll figure out
tomorrow, getting sensors replaced.  I'm just hoping this one will
stay in place. I'm definitely happy with having more data, especially
at night before going to bed. I was starting to have to test regularly
before bed to make sure I wouldn't drop too low over night. And I like
that my husband can follow with his own phone and have that peace of
mind of knowing what's going on with my sugar. Because he worries
about me bottoming out and us not knowing. For those of you using the
G6, how do they make it easier? Now that I have the G5, the answer to
this question which I've had for a while will make more sense. Thanks
again everyone.

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