[Diabetes-Talk] Scanner on arm

Ashley Ott ottashley at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 21 14:55:21 UTC 2018

I am new to this post, so I apologize if this has been previously discussed.  My mom has been diabetic for 34 years, and has recently been diagnosed with glaucoma in both eyes, received injections, 4 different eye drops, vitreous hemorrhage, and numerous doctors visits.  I talked with a diabetic educator at a doctor's office about an easy to read or hear system to check her blood sugars.  She suggested the Freestyle Libre by Abbott.   It is a system where you put a sensor on your arm and then can waive a hand held device close to it.  It has a very large screen display, and can also confirm, notify, and send repeated reminder sounds.  You wear it for 10-14 days, then remove it and replace.  Any feedback on all of this? Thanks.

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