[Diabetes-Talk] G6 issue

Doula Jarboe doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 04:01:01 UTC 2019

  I had lots of problems with the servers being down.  The first we
knew of the issue, my husband wasn't getting reading in his follow
app.  Then I think something went wrong with my app, and he decided to
uninstall and reinstall, which I was extremely frustrated with him for
because he didn't consult me about it first.  He's a tech geek, so he
was trouble shooting and figured it would be a good step.  Normally
that logic would apply, but logic doesn't apply with Dexcom.  I lost
my Dexcom I think it was Saturday, and wasn't up and running again
until Monday evening.  I'm due to be upgraded to the G6 on the 9th.
I'm a little skeptical that it will go through cleanly, but I'm
itching to have it.  I'm beyond tired of the challenges of poking my
finger and getting a reading since they've been poked so many times,
and I don't have the greatest hand strength.  Also, tylenol is about
one of the only pain killers I'm allowed to take with my kidney
disease.  It's caused issues from time to time, although they haven't
been too bad.  Most of the time when I've had a sensor fail it's
because the sensor has gotten knocked out.  Anyways, I'm keeping my
fingers crossed that it'll be a smooth transition.

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