[Diabetes-Talk] medicare

d m gina dmgina at mysero.net
Thu Feb 7 01:24:52 UTC 2019

One of the falts I have is this,
If my doctor is giving me medicin for being a diabetic, then why on 
gravy do I have to stick myself three to six times a day to prove I am 
a diabetic.
I know there are folks who say they are something and then find out 
they are not.
Where a doctor can't just give medicine to anyone can they with out 
getting themselves into trouble when caught?
When I started as a diabetic I didn't have a problem sticking that much.
Now years later I do.
I would rather play guitar than to stick that many times.
I do test but not that often.
Just my thoughts.

skype: dmgina23
  FB: dmgina
every saint has a past
every sinner has a future

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