[Diabetes-Talk] re hers the info on the freestyle libre presentation scheduled for tonight

gary-melconian gmelconian619 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 22:49:27 UTC 2019

Heres the info on the presentation being hosted by jeff bishop on the
freestyle libre.i  am posting it here and hoping that its ok with bernadet
our list moderator. 






Tek Talk welcomes Presenter Jeff Bishop to Discuss the Freestyle Libre
continuous glucose monitor, March 4, 2019. 

Time: 5:00 pm Pacific, 6:00 pm Mountain, 7:00 pm Central, 8:00 pm Eastern,
and elsewhere in the world Friday 01:00 GMT.



Jeff Bishop is a familiar name in our community and has been the host of ACB
Radio's Main Menu technology program and still serves as a member of the
Main Menu team. Jeff can be heard on the iAccessibility series of podcasts
and is a board member of the American Council of the Blind and serves on
many committees within the organization. Jeff is also responsible for
programming ACB Radio's oldtime radio station Treasure Trove. Tonight Jeff
will be talking to us about the Freestyle Libre Continuous Glucose
Monitoring system. It is a breakthrough device for those of us that are
blind allowing us to test our bodies without using finger sticks. Jeff will
share his journey as a diabetic with all of you and his observations of
using this device. Come learn about tips and tricks on using the device and
get your questions answered. Jeff can be contacted by emailing
<mailto:jeff at jeffbishop.com> jeff at jeffbishop.com or by tweeting him at @Jeff

About 10 minutes before the program dial the Zoom numbers or work with your
computer link found on your Zoom invitation.


Zoom invitation


The Zoom meeting invitation for this Training Class is the following:


Hi there,


Robert Acosta is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Tek Talk Welcomes Jeff Bishop to discuss the Freestyle Libre, a device for
blind diabetics.

Time: Meets Monday, March 4, 2019, from 8-9 p.m. Eastern. 


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:  <https://zoom.us/j/839935813>


Or iPhone one-tap:

US: +16468769923,839935813# or +14086380986,839935813#


Or Telephone:

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 408 638 0986


Meeting ID: 839 935 813


International numbers available:  <https://zoom.us/u/cnnUjZ1oh>


If you execute the above link from a computer with installed Zoom client
software, the software should automatically launch and take you to the
meeting. If you execute the above link from a smart device containing the
Zoom Cloud Meetings app, the app should automatically launch ant take you to
the meeting. If you prefer to use your iPhone as a regular phone without the
app to call into the meeting, you can double tap on one of the above two
numbers to initiate the call.




Robert Acosta: Chair Emeritus

 <http://www.accessibleWorld.org> www.accessibleWorld.org and
<http://www.radiooutofthepast.org> www.radiooutofthepast.org.

Phone: 818-998-0044

Email:  <mailto:boacosta at pacbell.net> boacosta at pacbell.net Web Site:
<http://www.helpinghands4theblind.net> www.helpinghands4theblind.net  


Larry Gassman: Accessible World Co-Chair

Phone: 714-449-1958

Email:  <mailto:larrygassman at roadrunner.com> larrygassman at roadrunner.com  


Alan Lemly: Accessible World Co-Chair,

Phone: 601-919-6907

Email:  <mailto:walemly at gmail.com> walemly at gmail.com 


Subscription information


Special note. To subscribe to our Tek Talk Discussion list, send a blank
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The Accessible World, a division of Helping Hands For The Blind, a 501(c)(3)
not-for-profit organization, seeks to educate the general public, the
disabled community and the professionals who serve them by providing highly
relevant information about new products, services, and training
opportunities designed specifically to eliminate geographic and access
barriers that adversely affect them.


Robert Acosta, President

Helping Hands for the Blind

(818) 998-0044

 <http://www.helpinghands4theblind.net> www.helpinghands4theblind.net




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