[Diabetes-Talk] acu chek guide

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Tue Jan 15 23:29:21 UTC 2019

I have an iPhone 6 plus, I don't know if that's going to make a
difference.  Also, I didn't get any test strips with this meter yet.  I
can probably get those end of this week if one of those is needed for the
meter to be willing to setup.
Having used the accu chek app, I tried single button and multi button
meters and tried to pair both ways and so far no meter is detected.  It
seems the dot on the right of the display is what's pressed to start one
of these up.  Holding the button down after starting produces another beep
very shortly after the first start beep.
Attempting to pair in settings and then bluetooth from the iPhone settings
menu turns up no meter either.
I'll be able to get some sighted assistance to check this out a little
later this week and will probably know lots more after that.


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