[Diabetes-Talk] insulin and dex com

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter bkpollpeter at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 22:49:12 UTC 2020

You do understand that Dexcom does not know if you take insulin or not,
correct? It just registers glucose levels. If you take insulin for any
reason, and Dexcom still registers high BGs, you likely are high. If you
question the Dexcom reading, use your manual meter to double check. If it
still says you're high, you likely need more insulin. However, you don't
want to stack insulin doses. Usually, even if still registering high, you
need to wait at least 2 hours before taking more insulin. Hope this makes

And as Rick says, when Dexcom alarms at you, you just go into the app and
clear the alert.


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