[Diabetes-Talk] Dexcom 6 update

jamielgurganus at gmail.com jamielgurganus at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 16:46:16 UTC 2020

Hi all!  So, I just checked my Dexcom app, and I have been using the 1.8
version for I don't know how long.  Except for the IOS updates, my other
apps update automatically.  So, I have not noticed any difference in how
Dexcom works.  I have the new iPhone SE running IOS 14.2, and everything
works like it used to for me.  My phone makes more noises, bleeps and other
sounds in some apps like Facebook, but it otherwise works the same for me.






Jamie Gurganus, Resource Coach       

Phone:  515-291-8451


"be Yourself;  Everyone else is already taken."

                                  Oscar Wilde



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