[Dtb-talk] More on NLS and International Interlibrary loan

Tim Gillett tim.gillett at optusnet.com.au
Fri Jan 22 01:36:50 UTC 2010

Yes but the operative word is "still",  at least in Western Australia.  

1. At ABWA any interlibrary loan tape in LOC 4 track has had to be specially format converted for the past 19 years! 

2. Equally, the pressure to format convert ABWA's 2 track library titles is greater than for others because 

unlike the other agencies which stayed with 4 track and supported a  client player, 

ABWA's clients have not been shielded from the massive demise of commercially available cassette players.

Whereas the US, Canada, New Zealand and Vision Australia  could  cease support of client tape players

 at a date of their choosing when they knew they would have their DTB program fully up and running.

3. 19 years ago ABWA was clearly warned about dangers to client accessibility if it was to cut its 4 track service.
 ABWA chose to ignore that advice. 

Is this not a serious accessibility issue?


Tim Gillett
Audio/Electronics Technician
Western Australia

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