[Dtb-talk] Unzipping the BARD zip files

Paul Migliorelli (+1 303-552-6970) paulmigs at migliorelli.org
Mon Jan 30 05:37:16 UTC 2012

Hi all.  Since it is important to always put each book into its own
folder, might it make sense to put the folder itself right within the zip
file itself? Or, in my total cluelessness using windows overall, is this
already the case, and I'm overlooking things as usual?Whenever I unzip,
say, into the booksense nls folder, I think I see individual componenets.
Or, when viewing the inside of a zip in windows 7, I think I see each book
component.  For instance, I often use Jamal Mazrui's filedir program.  If
I point to a zip, you can do a control u to unarchive.  it wants a
destination folder.  I like getting into the habit of the folders showing
up on the player as having  the same name of the zip file, minus the dot
zip of course.  That's why I was thinking wouldn't it make sense to have a
folder of some sort right within the zip itself?  Even when viewing a zip
in windows 7 windows explorer, where the zip file immediately shows its
contents, I assume it
is showing you all the book pieces in 1 place.  I guess I'm wondering when
pointing to a zip, how to unzip the contents automatically into a related
folder, or, do you ***always need to create a folder manually no matter
what you use to unzip?  Sorry for making no sense (laugh)  I really am a
windows clueless, and I do try to learn (smile) Thanks always.

Paul in Boulder Colorado

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