[Electronics-talk] accessible coffee maker

Laury-Johnson, Shawnese (DELEG) laury-johnsons at michigan.gov
Thu Oct 1 13:42:43 UTC 2009

Hello everyone I remember reading a posting from someone looking for an
accessible coffee maker.  I have pasted info. below from Fred's head
about this very thing.  I haven't tried it but if anyone on the list has
please let me know.  




Talk to Your Coffee Maker and This One Will Talk Back!

Posted: 30 Sep 2009 01:29 PM PDT

This is the first voice-interactive coffee maker that asks, "Would you
like to set the clock or set the coffee brewing time?" and operates in
response to your verbal commands. 

Simply saying, "Set the coffee brewing time," or "Set the clock," will
prompt the machine to reply, "Please say the time, including AM or PM."
It uses an advanced voice recognition system to identify any time of day
you speak, eliminating the hassle of fussing with buttons. The included
reusable, dishwasher-safe plastic filter is specially designed to allow
the water to thoroughly saturate coffee grounds, maximizing the richness
and aroma of coffee. The coffee machine brews up to ten cups at once and
allows you to remove the carafe during brewing to pour a cup.

Click this link to purchase The Only Voice Interactive Coffee Maker from
Hammacher Schlemmer
1830967-_-Hammacher+Product+Catalog> .




Shawnese Laury-Johnson, MA, CRC, LLPC

Vocational Rehabilitation Manager 14

DELEG - Michigan Commission for the Blind

3038 W. Grand Blvd. ste. 4-450

Det., MI 48202


FAX: 313.456.1645

laury-johnsons at michigan.gov


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