[Electronics-talk] George Forman Grill

Reese reese at shilohstravel.com
Fri Jan 22 12:05:20 UTC 2010

Hi list:

Thanks to everyone for there recommendations.  I have decided to go with the 
GF digital grill for $89 at Wal-Mart.  The easy take out dish washable 
plates were the deciding factor.  I'll report my findings as soon as I get 
the unit and cook up some juicy burgers with it.


reservations at peachtreetravel.net
Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Montrose Travel
CST #1018299-10

----- Original Message ----- Well I'd have to say that the gf grills are 
very easy to use. I think there
are a few models with buttons but its only to set higher temps. Another
words, there are no menus or anything. Yes that includes no power switch but
unplugging it turns off the unit. Pretty simple if you ask me. Also the unit
will not start until the lid is down.
I think for a few bucks you can get the Braille or electronic cookbooks from
National Braille Press. The book has recipes and cooking times for different
scenarios like fish, meats, veggies, desserts.
And allot of the stuff can be grilled when frozen.
Brett Boyer

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