[Electronics-talk] keeping track of bags while traveling

Reese reese at shilohstravel.com
Sun Jul 25 17:33:38 UTC 2010


Another good reason for purchasing travel insurance from a travel agent. 
With that said, I had placed a luggage locator on my bag for my last trip. 
However, when I located my bag, I discovered they took the batteries out of 
the locator.  So there goes that bright idea I had for locating my bag. 
Think goodness the locator was still there.


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Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Montrose Travel
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----- Original Message ----- Dear All:

Recently, I have noticed an increase in the frequency with which airlines 
and other transports are losing my bags.  Since I travel a lot I take all 
the usual precautions with correct labeling etc, but it is happening more 
often than usual.

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