[Electronics-talk] Reminder: iPhone Discussion

Luis Guerra screenreader at verizon.net
Wed Apr 25 23:58:31 UTC 2012

I can't contact the moderator if my number is blocked.

On 4/25/2012 7:38 PM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
> Do you have some reason to think this was intentional and malicious, as
> opposed to just an honest mistake? Have you contacted the moderator of
> the call about this? None of my business; just curious.
> On 25/04/12 16:42, Luis Guerra wrote:
>> All I can say is that I'll not be participating
>> in the phone conference since the moderator of the conversation Stsation
>> decided to block my number for no reason. Is this how you treat your
>> loyal callers. Remember we put cash in your pockets.
>> On 4/25/2012 1:21 PM, Beverly Hunter wrote:
>>> There will be an iPhone discussion tonight, April 25, at 7:00 PM
>>> Eastern in room 2428. The number to call is 616-883-2999 followed by
>>> pound.
>>> Tonight's discussion will be on creating ring tones.
>>> On Wednesday, May 2, we will be discussing how to navigate in safari
>>> on your iPhone.
>>> These are 2 great topics you won't want to miss!

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