[Electronics-talk] Dropbox iOS app and Website

Nicole Torcolini ntorcolini at wavecable.com
Mon Dec 15 05:09:46 UTC 2014

Please excuse the cross post; this message contains information that is
relevant to both lists.
If you have an iPhone with the Dropbox app, and there is an update for the
app, do not download it. When viewing documents in the latest version, the
document is displayed on the screen, but it is not possible to swipe to or
through it. There is an option for editing, which requires downloading Word,
but I do not want to do that.
    I went to the Dropbox to report this new problem, but, much to my
dismay, the website has some major accessibility problems as well. First,
although not too bad, some of the links are not in the same order on the tab
order as they are in the DOM. Second, several of the controls on the page,
including the ones for getting help, are just text without any kind of
marking for screen readers.
I was able to get to the contact page, and I think that my message went
through; I am not sure. I wrote about both the app and website. I will share
whatever the response is. If I do not hear back in a few days, then I will
write to Dropbox again.

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