[Electronics-talk] cable access
reeseswife at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 18:36:44 UTC 2014
Hey Liz, I have charter. Will you tell me how to get the SAP programming?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Elizabeth Campbell" <batescampbell at charter.net>
To: "'Discussion of accessible electronics and appliances'"
<electronics-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Electronics-talk] cable access
> Hello Chris,
> Thank you for your note to this list. I also was getting frustrated with
> the tone of some of the messages on accessibility.
> I also agree that things are not perfect, but I have also found that by
> talking to customer service reps and technicians in a reasonable fashion
> that they are willing to listen, more times than not even though they may
> not have an immediate solution.
> Recently, a technician came to my home because some of the Charter Cable
> features weren't working as well as they should. My mother visited for the
> holidays and made some changes vis the menus that I wasn't aware of. The
> tech reset everything for me and then showed me how to turn on the
> separate audio programming so that I can access it when some of my PBS
> programs are on.
> Also, Chris, I am intrigued that you are using the Tivo app. Is your DVR
> from your cable provider?
> Thanks.
> Liz
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Electronics-talk [mailto:electronics-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
> Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain
> Sent: Sunday, January 5, 2014 10:50 PM
> To: Discussion of accessible electronics and appliances
> Subject: Re: [Electronics-talk] cable access
> I agree things aren't perfect, and we have a ways to go, but we have made
> progress.
> Microsoft operating systems have been accessible for almost as long as I
> can remember, and ditto for Microsoft Office. Narrator has improved
> significantly in Windows 7 and Windows 8. Tablets became accessible in
> Windows 8 and a blind person can use them with JAWS, Windows Eyes, NVDA
> and Narrator. Things aren't perfect, and we need to be working with
> Microsoft to get Windows Phone accessible.
> Do in large part to the efforts of the NFB, we now have an accessible
> Kindle app as well as accessible Kindle devices. Devices from Apple are
> accessible, and this includes apps to read books from Apple, Nook and
> Amazon. There isn't a company out there larger than Apple.
> I know it isn't an option for every one, but I have almost complete access
> to my cable box and DVR through the TiVo app.
> I understand the frustration, I feel it myself, but I don't see anything
> but negativity on this list. You constantly hear comments that it's
> pointless to contact the cable companies because they don't care or
> because big businesses don't care. It's pointless to pass laws because
> they have no teeth, won't be enforced or because the government is
> controlled by big business. OK, so what does that mean? Should we just
> quit and give up? Is our level of accessibility only going to get worse
> from here on out? I don't know, but I do know that if you run around like
> chicken little crying that the sky is falling then things definitely won't
> get any better. I for one am not going to stick my head in the sand or sit
> in the dark and curse the darkness. It's one thing to be frustrated, but
> it's another thing to give up and encourage others to give up just because
> you think it's hopeless. Venting and sharing your frustration can be
> cathartic, but if that's all it is, and it doesn't turn into something
> constructive, then at best it's a waste of time and at worse it's
> demoralizing others who actually may make a difference.
> I know I pointed out that people might be happier unsubscribing from this
> list and getting out of that cycle of negativity and hopelessness, but
> this all kind of has me fired up. I still think I'll be happier when I
> don't have to hear how bad and hopeless it is being blind, but for now it
> makes me want to get to my next chapter meeting or find some company to
> educate on how they could make their products more accessible.
> On 01/05/2014 10:19 PM, Ashley Bramlett wrote:
>> Christopher,
>> I won't comment on the corporate good versus evil opinion. kind of off
>> topic.
>> However, I was the one wondering about cable access and how much
>> independence we can have and I figured tvs were electronic, so figured
>> here might be a good place to ask.
>> I'll say that I agree with you on customer service. They can and
>> should provide it regardless where they are located.
>> However, with monopolies, there is little place to go with bad service.
>> I hope the merger does not occur. I have more opinions on big business
>> and unfair competetion, but that's kind of off topic.
>> However, I will say that we seem to make little headway with
>> accessibility with big corporations. How much advocacy and resolutions
>> has been passed about Microsoft, adobe, amazon, and book reader
>> manufacturers?
>> Have they done much in the five or so years I've seen resolutions on
>> these electronics matters?
>> I've seen little progress sadly. Okay, we have one kindle version
>> accessible, still no nook or sony reader though.
>> No, not much changes. We are a minority and the corporations just want
>> to make money and money, and don't seem to care much. if they did, why
>> don't we have talking menus yet?
>> You said
>> "Anyone reading this list would think it's horrible being blind, which
>> kind of surprises me since it's hosted by the NFB. I hope newly and
>> younger blind people aren't discouraged by reading all of this
>> negativity and lack of constructive advice. "
>> Well Christopher, I'm fairly young; graduated college a few years back.
>> I'm not surprised about the negative commentary though. I mean, we are
>> a consumer advocacy group, yes. We are NFB. But people do have
>> feelings about the lack of participation of us in society.
>> We speak up, But when you make little progress year after year, well,
>> you are frustrated. I completely understand that.
>> Some people are just venting the lack of progress and understanding of
>> cable companies.
>> Now, back to my questions on cable.
>> Is comcast making a talking set box and if so, when?
>> Have any of you used a dvr independently by memorizing what to press?
>> Can you record shows on a dvd as an alternative to a DVR?
>> Here is a solution with old technology.
>> If anyone still has the old vcr tapes and of course a working vhs
>> recorder, you can record shows and movies there. I've done that and
>> its very accessible. You can pop the video in the vcr and press a few
>> buttons and it plays.
>> Oh, the joys of old technology. No menus needed!
>> -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Chaltain
>> Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 10:13 PM
>> To: Discussion of accessible electronics and appliances
>> Subject: Re: [Electronics-talk] cable access
>> This is a completely unfounded statement. There are plenty of laws on
>> the books and enforced, which are not popular with "big business" such
>> as the ADA and other equal rights laws, health care, environmental
>> laws, anti-trust laws and the list goes on. The fact that mergers even
>> have to be approved by the government is an example of this. Remember,
>> the AT&T and T-Mobile merger was not approved. I also don't agree with
>> the underlying assumption here that "big business" is evil. Big
>> business hires an awful lot of people, provides quite a few jobs and
>> pays quite a bit in taxes.
>> If you Google for the proposed merger between Time Warner and ComCast,
>> you'll find more links than you can shake a stick at. Most seem to
>> think it's unlikely that this merger will be approved by the FCC/FTC
>> and White House but this article doesn't seem to think it's impossible
>> http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57613685-93/is-comcast-time-warner-ca
>> ble-really-unthinkable-maybe-not/
>> On the issue of customer service, it's irrelevant where the customer
>> service is located or what accent the person you're dealing with has.
>> Companies need to provide good customer service, and that can be done
>> as well or as poorly from an office in New Jersey as it can from an
>> office in India.
>> I'm constantly surprised by the amount of negativity on this list.
>> Anyone reading this list would think it's horrible being blind, which
>> kind of surprises me since it's hosted by the NFB. I hope newly and
>> younger blind people aren't discouraged by reading all of this
>> negativity and lack of constructive advice. My suggestion is that
>> people would be happier by distancing themselves from such negativity
>> and negative people by unsubscribing from this list and finding
>> another source of information on accessible consumer electronics. BTW,
>> there seems to be very little traffic on this list as of late
>> regarding accessible consumer electronics, as the message below on how
>> evil government and big business is demonstrates.
>> On 01/05/2014 07:50 PM, wmodnl wmodnl wrote:
>>> Remember, when it comes to the United States government, all rules go
>>> right out the window. It is a "do as I say" environment, not A Do as
>>> I do" standard. Let's look at things like the ADA, ADAAA, etc. Big
>>> business always wins in this country with the right political pull.
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On Jan 5, 2014, at 7:12 PM, "Ray Foret Jr" <rforet7706 at comcast.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Let me pul that up and tell you right now.
>>>> The contemporary Christian music channel is 435. You can find them
>>>> all listed on newsline starting with 401.
>>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the
>>>> blind built-in!
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5
>>>> user!
>>>>> On Jan 5, 2014, at 4:19 PM, Snow White Dove <jlperdue3 at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I have the same problem with Comcast.
>>>>> I can’t pull up the Music channels to find out what channel the
>>>>> Contemporary Christian music channel or the country channels are.
>>>>> I had the same problem, the customer service rep seemed like
>>>>> English was not his first language.
>>>>> I asked for a supervisor and I was on hold for way too long and
>>>>> just hung up.
>>>>> Newsline’s TV guide gives me so much choice considering I only have
>>>>> about 15 to 20 channels as far as networks, and don’t know how to
>>>>> get through al the other junk to get to the music stuff which is in
>>>>> the 800’s.
>>>>> Anyway, don’t feel like the Lone Ranger, LOL.
>>>>> Jenny
>>>>>> On Jan 5, 2014, at 9:25 AM, Gerald Levy <bwaylimited at verizon.net>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Well, here in Time Warner territory in Manhattan, the NFB Newsline
>>>>>> cable guide is a big fat waste of time because their channel
>>>>>> lineup listings are totally out of sync with the actual channel
>>>>>> lineup on my cable system. Indeed, Time Warner's own onscreen and
>>>>>> web site channel guides are out of sync with the actual channel
>>>>>> lineup, and the brain-dead bozos in customer service apparently
>>>>>> don't understand this. A few weeks ago, Time Warner rearranged all
>>>>>> the Music Choice channels, but didn't bother to update their
>>>>>> channel guide to accurately reflect these changes. So for
>>>>>> instance, both the NFB Newsline and Time Warner channel lineups
>>>>>> list the Jazz channel as being on channel 644, when in reality it
>>>>>> is actually on channel 641, and many of the other Music Choice
>>>>>> channels are not where they are supposed to be,either. The nitwit
>>>>>> I spoke to in their customer support department didn't seem to
>>>>>> know what I was talking about when I called to inquire about this,
>>>>>> but that is understandable in
>> view of the fact that he spoke with an Indian accent and was probably
>> based somewhere overseas in a bunker. Now I have no idea of which
>> musical genre is playing on which channel unless I get sighrted help.
>> And now rumor has it that Time Warner may merge with Comcast to
>> create an even bigger mess. Unbelievable
>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pamela Dominguez"
>>>>>> <geodom at optonline.net>
>>>>>> To: "Discussion of accessible electronics and appliances"
>>>>>> <electronics-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 9:44 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Electronics-talk] cable access
>>>>>>> I use newsline's TV guide to find out what's on and put it on,
>>>>>>> or, like you, channel surf. I have, occasionally, gotten stuck
>>>>>>> in something I need help out of, but not often. Pam.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Poppa Bear
>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 11:59 PM
>>>>>>> To: Discussion of accessible electronics and appliances
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Electronics-talk] cable access
>>>>>>> I'm old school, I just channel surf untill I hear something that
>>>>>>> intrests me, but then again, I am always so busy that I only sit
>>>>>>> in front of a TV for about two hours a week.
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ashley Bramlett"
>>>>>>> <bookwormahb at earthlink.net>
>>>>>>> To: "Discussion of accessible electronics and appliances"
>>>>>>> <electronics-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 7:20 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Electronics-talk] cable access
>>>>>>>> Hi sandy,
>>>>>>>> same situation.
>>>>>>>> If I hit a wrong button on the remote, it goes into some weird
>>>>>>>> menu or mode. Sometimes, turning off the tv and turning back on
>>>>>>>> resets it.
>>>>>>>> Other times, you just need to get out of the menu. I need
>>>>>>>> sighted help then.
>>>>>>>> I see no way to have access independently which means if I lived
>>>>>>>> alone, it would be difficult to have tv.
>>>>>>>> It seems like I need assistance for the menus for one reason or
>>>>>>>> another very often.
>>>>>>>> Ashley
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Sandy
>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 10:47 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Discussion of accessible electronics and appliances
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Electronics-talk] cable access
>>>>>>>> Hi Ashley,
>>>>>>>> I took on my dad's directv account and am alone. No, the guides
>>>>>>>> and all of that I cannot access; now I subscribe to Newsline and
>>>>>>>> I have created a favorites list so listen to that to see some
>>>>>>>> programs I might want. My friend is alone, with really poor
>>>>>>>> sight, and still uses the DVR from Comcast cable and can use
>>>>>>>> some sort of guide. Tbhe worst for me is if I hit some button
>>>>>>>> and then get no stations. At times I can experiment and fix it
>>>>>>>> and othwer times I must wait for sighted help.
>>>>>>>> Sandy
>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> From: "Ashley Bramlett" <bookwormahb at earthlink.net>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 9:56 PM
>>>>>>>> To: "Discussion of accessible electronics and appliances"
>>>>>>>> <electronics-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>> Subject: [Electronics-talk] cable access
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> I’d like to have a tv when I’m on my own. For now, I can get
>>>>>>>>> assistance with our cable tv options when someone is available.
>>>>>>>>> Actually, we have fios now.
>>>>>>>>> Obviously, I can manipulate the remote; the buttons are tactile.
>>>>>>>>> I can even see the name of a tv program when looking fairly
>>>>>>>>> close to the screen; but reading long menus would not be possible.
>>>>>>>>> However, much stuff is on screen in this digital age.
>>>>>>>>> Is it possible to have cable or verizon fios when living alone?
>>>>>>>>> I see no way we can access those menus.
>>>>>>>>> In essense you have limited access and pay full price. Would
>>>>>>>>> you pay for it without accessing much of its features?
>>>>>>>>> I’ll just state some features and see if they are accessible
>>>>>>>>> somehow. Maybe you all use aps.
>>>>>>>>> All are on screen, and therefore seem inaccessible.
>>>>>>>>> 1. the tv guide
>>>>>>>>> 2. on demand tv
>>>>>>>>> 3. the dvr function
>>>>>>>>> 4. ordering movies
>>>>>>>>> 5. any statements about station outages.
>>>>>>>>> Do any providers have talking menus or large print ones? Do any
>>>>>>>>> of them provide braille information to you?
>>>>>>>>> How has the company accomodated you, if at all?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> Ashley
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> --
> Christopher (CJ)
> chaltain at Gmail
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