[Electronics-talk] Linux and smart watch

Ben Fulton bluezinfandel at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 4 12:17:57 UTC 2015

I hope nobody is annoyed with me covering multiple topics in one email...
Coming at the Linux question from the angle of a Linux user. Have you checked Orca. - It's a Linux based screen reading program.
There didn't seem to be much information on the smart watch. Like, how many cells does it actually have. - With a 10hr battery life. how does one recharge it.  Personally, I want a watch to last for 24hrs or more.  Can it be recharged on the move i.e. does it come with a portable charger.  Also, when will it be available? and What is the exact price? I followed the link provided but couldn't find quick answers to these questions, and I have little patience for wading through web pages looking for information buried within links.

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