[Electronics-talk] Roku

Laury-Johnson, Shawnese (LARA) laury-johnsons at michigan.gov
Wed Jul 1 01:33:30 UTC 2015

Hello I'm trying to find other options for tv besides cable tv companies. The amount that they is getting pretty ridiculous. Does anyone know how accessible any of the streaming tv programs are such as roku and/or apple tv?

Shawnese Laury-Johnson, MA, CRC, LLPC
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
BSBP Detroit office
3038 W. Grand Blvd. ste. 4-450
Detroit, MI 48202
P: 313.456.3289
F: 313.456.1645
Laury-johnsons at michigan.gov<mailto:Laury-johnsons at michigan.gov>

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