[Electronics-Talk] jaws and excel column headers

Michael Micallef micam001 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 15:32:28 UTC 2017

good afternoon,

I’m just beginner in using Jaws, can someone give me step by step how
to setup jaws to read the excel column headers.  I read the jaws
manual, but to be honest I found the explanation difficult to follow.

If someone have some instructions to pass along to me or some sort of
audio tutorial, I sincerely appreciate it.

also how I can subscribe to the jaws users mailing list?

kind regards,

Michael Micallef
Malta Europe.

Michael Micallef
Officer in charge of ICT Accessibility Certification
and ICT Training for Persons with a Visual Impairment

Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility (FITA)
FB:	michael.micallef at gov.mt
+356 2599 2343

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