[Electronics-Talk] Accessible MP3 Player

Christopher Gilland clgilland07 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 05:15:10 UTC 2018

Mr. Garcia wrote:

with such a large library navigating it without a search feature
sounds quite tedious.
And, you would be 100% correct! This is precisely the reason that I 
stated my doubt on the term accessible. I guess, at the end of the day, 
that term's really subjective. For those with smaller libraries, maybe 
50 to 100 songs, it may work, but for someone who is an audio freak like 
myself who not only loves listening to audio, but is a certified audio 
engineer for a living, yeah... Just for the record, I actually don't 
know where you are coming up with the comment of me maybe addressing the 
wrong person. I was referring to Gerald, who said there was an 
accessible player on Ebay for only a buck. That's the player I was 
talking about with accessibility.

On a final note, a few have written me off list, who's names will be 
left unmentioned, who specifically have told me to stop being so 
egotystical, and quit being such a rude jerk on list.

How'm I being a jerk! I helped like crazy with the Spectrum box thread, 
even going so far as to retype the remote description if it was needed, 
now, all I'm doing is asking a valid question of how this mp3 player is 
being defined as accessible. That's not meant to challenge people. I'm 
just trying to better understand. Give this poor guy a break! Enough said.


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