[Electronics-Talk] best system for phone numbers and addresses

Rik James rixmix2009 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 07:01:16 UTC 2019

My system, if I am not too embarrassed and low tech to call it that is this.
Like David, I just have a file, that is modified constantly, and I save it
in Dropbox, and it is there to grab from my other devices.
I have Word, but for this and many other things, I just create Rich Text
Format files in Wordpad. I find its simplicity suits me and of course the
files are not as large in terms of the bytes.

Now, I do kind of have several files for several categories of my Contacts.
Like my radio people, my NFB people, and then there is just the local throw
it in the junk drawer that has everything from the plumber to the dentist to
the person who gave me the scoop on the best place to buy a microbrew beer.
That file, is a total mess, and not alphabetized. Things are just entered at
the top and when I want to find something, I use the Search feature.

Why, I even have afile for things I copy and paste in from this list.
You never know when some of these wise cabal members can have a tip that I
might find handy one day.


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