[Electronics-Talk] Self-Cleaning Litter Boxes

Leslie Fairall fairall at panix.com
Sun Dec 13 17:51:39 UTC 2020

Hi Susan:

I'm interested in either a Litter-Robot or Catgenie. The newest models are 
pretty expensive. They both have Wifi and have an app to monitor your cat. 
I am interested in the Catgenie because it hooks up to a water source such 
as your laundry room or toilet. The waste goes down your toilet or drain 
pipe, which is really cool. The latest models I am looking at are the 
Catgenie AI and the Litter-Robot 3 Connect. The latter has a unit without 
the Wifi connection, which would be fine too. Are you using a self-clean 
box now? If so, which one?

If people are interested, I'll send some info to the list.

Leslie Fairall
mailto:fairall at panix.com

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