[Electronics-Talk] Talking TV Universal Remotes

Matthew Chao mattchao at verizon.net
Thu Dec 2 16:49:53 UTC 2021

Hi, Folks.  Does anyone happen to know if there are any talking 
programmable universal remotes for TVs these days?  I have a Samsung TV 
and an AppleTV in one of the HDMI ports.  While the AppleTV works, I 
need an accessible universal remote that will allow me to control the 
soundbar, TV, cable and AppleTV.  There used to be talking universal 
remotes a few years ago, but a Google search turned up nothing.  Any 
pointers would be greatly appreciated.  I'd really like to be able to 
program the remote myself, instead of paying the Geek Squad to come out 
and do that for me.

Thanks in advance.--Matthew Chao

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