[Fabs] FABS at state convention

FABS President nfbfabs at gmail.com
Sat Jan 11 17:18:27 UTC 2014

Greetings Federation Family,

This 2014 State Convention your student division will be presenting
several different events and souvenirs. On Saturday, January 8, 2014,
we will be hosting, what’s in your crock pot at 1 pm in the
hospitality suite, and then we will be holding our social event at the
Bellair Lanes from 3 pm to 5 pm. This social event is for anyone and
everyone and is only 10 dollars and this includes 2 hours of bowling,
shoes, and either a soft drink or a beer of your choice. Later we will
have samples from the crock pot event and then the auction. During the
auction you will be able to have the opportunity to pie Dan, Dwight,
Peter, or Paul, and finally for that evening the salsa party. The
student division on Sunday, January 19th  will be holding their
business meeting at 1 pm to 3 pm.

The souvenirs that the students will be bringing are the penny wars, a
50/50 where the amount you can earn is already over 700 dollars, a
chance to enter into an Avon basket, and your chance to win a ceramic
whosit that was made by Miranda Kilby. So, don’t forget to stop by the
students table at the exhibit hall and show your support. Thanks in
advance to all.

Paul M. Martinez
Florida Association of Blind Students

paul09ms at gmail.com

Miranda Kilby
Vice President
Florida Association of Blind Students

mbkilby at gmail.com

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