[Fabs] Now is possible to double tap and hold with a bluetooth keyboard in order to record a voice message in WhatsApp and an audio message in the message app

Helga Schreiber helga.schreiber26 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 02:28:05 UTC 2017

Hi all! How are you all? I think you might find this  interesting. So I find  out  that you can double tap and hold on teh voice message button  in the Whatsapp app,and in the message app on the record audio  button with a Bluetooth keyboard. You may wonder how? So on WhatsApp, you navigate to your voice message with your keyboard, when you get there perform VO Plus Shift plus M in order to double tap and hold, when you finish recording you audio message to sen dit, you need to go right arrow or go Vo Right arrow and  you will    find Voice message button,and just double tap on it with Vo space bar, or by  pressing up and  down arrow key if you have quick nab enable, or jus by double tapping  on the screen with your finger.  And now  for the  message app, go inside the message app, find the person you want  to send an audio  message then find audio message button with your keyboard, and perform Vo Plus Shift plus M to double tap and hold, and when you  finish recording just let go of the  keys. Here Voiceover says if you flick right Stop recording  Video, but I think   This  is an audio message,and just send it by double tapping on send  button. By Vo I mean Control  and option  keys at the  same time or caps lock key. Hope this helps some! These steps also work on facebook messenger, but I have no try them yet. I can confirm with you guys if it works on facebook messenger i fyou ugys want. Just let me know ok? And if any of you can see some, I wil like som confirmation that when voiceover says stop recording Video, is that a video or  an audio  message on the  message  app? I wil really  appreciate it a lot! I look forward in hearing from  you soon. Thanks and God bless!

  Helga Schreiber 
Group Moderator  
  for the IPad help for the blind 
IPadhelpfortheblind+subscribe at groups.io  

Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of Blind Students.
Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).
Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.
Phone:  (561) 706-5950 
Email: helga.schreiber26 at gmail.com 
Skype: helga.schreiber26 
4Life Website: http://helgaschreiber.my4life.com/1/default.aspx 
INT Website: http://int4life.com/ 

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 
Sent from my iPhone 7 running IOS 10.1.1    

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