[Fabs] Monthly Minutes: February 2022

sewer Quneibi students at nfbflorida.org
Thu Mar 10 22:08:50 UTC 2022

Hello everyone!

FABS’s last meeting was packed with speakers and important announcements. I want to thank Legislative Director Davis, FLAGDU President Fraer, and NAGDU Secretary Wilson for joining us!   

Anyone who couldn’t make it can review the minutes found below after my signature.

Please feel free to reach out to Fraer with questions about guide dogs. 
Email: bcwilson4418 at gmail.com

Hope to see y’all at the next meeting on Sunday, March 20 at 6:00 p.m!

All the best,

Sewar Quneibi 
Secretary, Florida Association of Blind Students 
Board Member .#2, National Federation of the Blind of Florida - Tampa 


Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes 

February 20, 2021

1.    Call to order 
·      Meeting was called to order by President Jannik at 6:00 PM
2.    Roll call
·      Absent: Jackie, Tashara, Marketing Committee: Grace and Thomas
3.    Guests: NFBF President Martinez, NFBF VP Jorge Hernandez, FLAGDU President Brittany Fraer, Legislative Director Russel Davis, and NAGDU Secretary Scott Wilson,
4.    The Pledge was recited by Cristian Leath
5.    Secretary’s report: Sewar Quneibi 

Paul motions to accept last meeting’s minutes. Motion seconded by Elijah. All were in favor.

6.    Treasurer’s report: Meliora Hatcher 
·      New member Jackie
·      Incoming money: $10
·      Outgoing money: $0
·      Initial balance: $412
·      Outcome balance: $422

VP Z’Leah motions to accept Treasurer’s report. Elijah seconds it. All were in favor. 

7.    Review of Washington Seminar.
·      Director Davis spoke about how successful meetings of the Washington Seminar have been. He thanked students who have participated in meetings:  Meli, Sewar, Z’Leah, and Jose. He stated that 56 different members of NFB and its affiliates have participated in the meetings and encouraged more people to join. There is an upcoming meeting this Tuesday at 1 PM. All are encouraged to join. 
·      Sewar, Meli, Z’Leah, and Jose took turns talking about their experience. They explained it to be an encouraging experience for members to make a difference, and have staffers/representatives listen. 
·      Elijah and Jannik mentioned that they are looking forward to participating next year.
·      VP Hernandez mentioned that writing your representative through email is another great way to be part of the cause. 
8.    Peggy and Camille spoke about BookShare. 
·      It is an opportunity for blind students to find textbooks in an eBook format for classes. 
·      Cristian mentioned BARD as an app to download books, and Camille clarified that BARD doesn’t have textbooks readily available. 
·      Meli mentioned Learning Ally, and Jose explained that proof of blindness is needed.
9.    Hernandez announced he is now taking classes and is currently a new member of FABS as a student. We’re proud of you Jorge!
10.         The Family Cafe.
·      The family cafe is an annual event for different disabilities. They're going to have a large variety of vendors and workshops pertaining too the different disabilities. Also, the governor is going to be doing a summit. 
·      Date: May 27th through the 29th
·      Location: Hyatt Regency Orlando 
·      Camille explained that the application process can be paper based or electronic. Those with disabilities and their families interested in attending the convention can attend free of cost. 
11.         Peggy announced FSDB alumni gathering on the weekend of the 20th at St. Augustine for $60
12.         Announcements regarding the National Scholarship 
·      Scholarship deadline is March 31st
·      Martinez mentions that Denise Valcome was appointed to write recommendation letters for Florida students. 
13.         Scholarship for attending the National Convention
·      Provides financial support for students who want to attend the National convention for the first time. 
·      Check your inbox for a past email with more information about it. 
14.         Krispy Kreme fundraiser
·      20 boxes will be bought and members and others who want to participate can use a link to purchase donuts. The money will be sent to FABS.
15.         Speaker: President Fraer of the Florida Association of Guide Dog Users (FLAGDU
·      Guide dogs are trained at different schools at costs of $70,000.  Blind individuals interested in getting a guide dog will need to fill out an application with one of these schools and once approved can keep the dog at no cost or $150 (depending on the school). Caring for a dog is important you will need to pay for the dog’s vet visits, medications, and food. As the owner you will also need to groom your pet: brush and clip nails. No matter the weather, you will need to walk your dog and let them use the bathroom, as well as clean it up. 
·      Secretary Wilson mentioned, on average, it will cost $100 a month to care for your dog. 
·      FLAGDU meeting March 15 at 8:30 PM
16.         Speaker: 1st Vice President Hernandez of NFBF
·      The purpose of the listserv was explained. The listserv is to be used by its members to share information and announcements about FABS, its affliates, and anything blind related. It is important to remain on brand when using the listserv and if you are unsure about what to share, please feel free to ask the officers. If you share something off-brand once or twice, you will be addressed about it. If it is something that continues to happen action may be taken in regards to it. 
17.         Adjournment
·      President Jannik calls meeting to adjourn. 

Martinez motions to adjourn the meeting. Sewar seconds the motion. All were in favor.

·      Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM

NFB Pledge

I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution.

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