[Faith-talk] Discussion

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Mon Nov 10 04:07:04 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I have had my computer off since last night, but have read all the 
messages, except the articles.

Now, I'm speaking as a list member, and not the moderator, just so 
we're clear here.  I believe the Bible--all of it.  It lays out very 
clearly what sin is, what marriage is, what being a Christian is, and 
much, much more.   The Bible says that homosexuality is a sin, and 
there are no true Christians who practice this as a lifestyle.   As 
has been said here, it's not our opinion; God doesn't care what we 
think, but what we believe His Word, the Bible, to say.  The Bible is 
the Christian's guidebook.

Because we are being forced to forget God in many public arenas, we 
as a nation are not following His Word.  We are to love the sinner, 
but not the sin.  Enough said from me on that point.

I encourage all of you to daily read and study your Bibles, and apply 
what you read to your lives each day.  Most in this country are not 
believers, Christians, so we should expect them to behave as they 
do.  We who call ourselves Christians should live separate, holy 
lives, that we might win others to Christ.  That means how we dress, 
what music we listen to, how we speak, how we spend our time, what we 
read, who we hang around with, etc.  Things are going to get worse 
for us here, so we'd better be grounded in the Word of God, and stay 
close to Him in prayer.



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