[Faith-talk] Lists Subjects

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Sun Nov 16 22:31:21 UTC 2008

Hi all,

Since becoming moderator of this list, I have been open to what the 
list members want to discuss, as long as we respect each other, and 
speak as people of faith ought to speak.  I believe it best to stay 
away from politics and the like, as there are other places to discuss that.

I believe this list is a place to encourage one another, pray for one 
another, ask questions about the Bible passage you are studying, and 
to ask questions about how we blind people handle or deal with 
situations we find ourselves in in our places of worship, etc.  When 
answering or responding to someone, I have always tried to state 
whether it is what the Bible says or my opinion.  Many others here do 
the same.I'm not tied to my computer, and often don't have it on all 
day.  When the big discussion happened last weekend, I was sleeping 
and/or away from the computer.  Sometimes things get away from us, 
but we seem to be back on track now.  I'm sorry that we lost a number 
of listers, and I hope they will come back.

Steve, if you're still here, I want to thank you for all your help.



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