[Faith-talk] FW: Daily Devotional (Thu. 1/15/2009) Liveprayer.com189707 *-*-*-*-*

tribble lauraeaves at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 15 20:48:42 UTC 2009

First, I haven't seen or heard of your youtube video, but am pro life so 
probably would not object -- however I do take exception to your lumping 
Mormons in with the baby killers, pro-gay and cyber SS -- the Mormons are 
with you on the marriage issue as well as pro life, so whether or not you 
think they're a cult, they are a Christian organization and the bible states 
that the disciples should not condemn others or prevent them from casting 
out evil spirits in the name of Christ, even if they are not part of your 
Don't throw stones in glass houses.
I may listen in on the liveprayer on the 22nd. Thanks for the heads up.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "WESLEY BURDEN" <wesley.burden at verizon.net>
To: "'Faith-talk, for the discussion of faith and religion'" 
<faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 8:43 AM
Subject: [Faith-talk] FW: Daily Devotional (Thu. 1/15/2009) 
Liveprayer.com189707 *-*-*-*-*

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Keller [mailto:prayermanager at liveprayer.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:55 AM
To: wesley.burden at verizon.net
Subject: Daily Devotional (Thu. 1/15/2009) Liveprayer.com 189707 *-*-*-*-*

If this devotional is a blessing to you, maybe you have a friend or family
member that would like to start receiving this daily word. You can forward
this to them, and they can use the following link to subscribe.


(2 Chronicles 15:7)

***SPECIAL GUESTS ON THE TV/RADIO PROGRAM!!!!  On Thursday the 22nd, is
controversial conservative author and Christian Ann Coulter who supported
Mormon cult member Mitt Romney.  You don't want to miss this program!

***LIVEPRAYER ON SECULAR RADIO!!! I am excited to announce that I am hosting
the Liveprayer program on WWBA-820 in Tampa, "live," every Monday-Friday
night from 11pm-Midnight EST.  Also, the Liveprayer TV program is currently
seen exclusively on Liveprayer.com every Monday-Friday from 11pm-Midnight
EST.  So we are now simulcasting the new radio program on this major secular
radio station that has people like my friend Dave Ramsey, Bill O'Reilly, and
Michael Savage, and the TV program, LIVE every Monday-Friday from
11pm-Midnight EST!!!  Tune in and speak to Bill Keller during the program
each night by calling 1-727-546-8888.  Also, don't forget, the most recent 5
programs are available for On-Demand viewing at Liveprayer.com under the
"Show archives" link.

exciting new daily FREE ministry right on your cell phone.  Fresh 3-4 minute
Video Daily Devotional each day.  Send prayer requests via text messaging
and receive a personal response to your request back by text message.
Simply go to the Liveprayer.com homepage and put your 10 digit cell number
in the box and hit SEND.  You will receive a text message with a special
link that will take you to the Liveprayer Video Daily Devotional homepage on
your cell phone.  Please tell everyone you know about this cutting edge FREE
ministry via cell phones from Liveprayer.

***LivePrayer Church!!!  Haven't been to church this week?  Join me for this
week's service of the new LivePrayer Church. This week's relevant and
applicable message is,  "Wrestling with God?"  Please visit the new website
and watch the worship service. Each Sunday there will be a new service at
12:01am EDT at:  www.liveprayerchurch.com

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be
rewarded."  2 Chronicles 15:7

Get ready for censorship like never before!  Obama's high-tech SS are
already on the job.  A month ago, I created a special video for YouTube
contrasting the evil of Adolph Hitler for causing the death of 60 million
lives in WW2 and the evil of our incoming President, Barack Hussein Obama,
for supporting the legalized slaughter of innocent babies.  I used powerful
imagery from Hitler's speeches and the concentration camps, which morphed
seamlessly into the same type of emotional speeches Obama has given and
footage from real abortions being performed.  This video had over 100,000
views in less than a month.

The other morning I was informed that YouTube had taken the video down for
"violating policy."  I immediately had my technical people communicate with
them since over the past several years I have created and posted dozens of
videos for YouTube on many hot-button issues that  have had over 1 million
cumulative views, and we never had a problem before.  My technical person
was told that they had been inundated with over a thousand complaints about
our video.

Now there are several other videos on YouTube that attempt to tie
President-elect Obama with Hitler, and they are still up.  When asked about
that, the YouTube employee stated that they can't look at every video that
is posted, and really only get involved when there are massive complaints
about a particular video.  He told out techs that it is obvious someone had
targeted this video and that because of the "disgusting footage" showing an
actual abortion, YouTube pulled it.

I am always amused at the outrage of people when it comes to showing an
actual abortion being performed.  The very people who support this practice
of legalized infanticide, yell the loudest.  I would love to see every
abortion clinic show that video to a woman prior to having the abortion
performed.  I assure you that 70% would leave if they saw what was really
going to happen to the LIFE they were carrying.

*We have reposted the video on our own servers on Liveprayer.com,

If you remember, right after the election I shared with you that the Obama
camp was trying to figure out how to make use of the hundreds of thousands
of people they had connected with thru the Internet.  During the campaign
they had set up an Internet War Room to attack anyone on the internet who
opposed Obama for any reason.  After the election, they decided to continue
using their internet man power as a high-tech cyber SS to go after anyone
who spoke out against Obama.  They do this thru posting on blogs as well as
various attacks on sites and people who have taken a stand against Obama.

Obivosuly, I have been one of their targets for stating that he is not a
Christian due to his support for killing babies, the radical homosexual
agenda, giving away the land God gave to the Jewish people to their enemies,
on top of his universalistic beliefs that everyone will get to Heaven and
there is no place called hell.  Sadly, this is why very few pastors will go
into the public square and take a stand on any of the pressing issues of the
day.  They simply don't want to be attacked by the pro homosexual groups,
the Muslims, the Mormons, the baby killers, and now by the Obama cyber SS.

Also disappointing is the faux Christian version of YouTube, GodTube.
Founded by a Dallas seminary student Chris Wyatt, GodTube was to be a
Christian answer to YouTube.  It was a place where Christians could post
videos for other Christians.  Wyatt contacted me several times after GodTube
began.  I told him that I would pray for his success, but that my goal was
to reach people outside the church and not simply preach to the choir.

After several conversations, I did agree to post the videos we had on
YouTube on GodTube, since I realized these were most issues the vast
majority of Believers shied away from.  My various videos on abortion,
homosexuality, taking on cults like the Mormons, Scientologists, Oprah and
the New Age movement, were all eventually removed.

After contacting Chris and not getting any response I did some digging.
What I found out was that Wyatt basically sold GodTube to a UK hedge fund,
GLG Partners, who put $30 million into GodTube to market it to the world as
a "Christian social networking site."  .  Wyatt no longer has any
involvement in GodTube other than as a "consultant," which is how he is
getting paid off.

The UK firm installed their people to oversee all operations and I was told
point blank that they would NEVER allow content like mine since it was
divisive, hateful, and not the message they wanted to market to people.
They said they wanted to keep the site "clean and fun and appealing to
people of all faiths."  These people simply bought GodTube to be able to
cash in on the Christian market.  Their goal is not to share the Truth of
the Bible, the Gospel, or to minister to people, but to turn a profit off of

Here is my word for you today.  God needs bold and faithful servants in
these last days.  Men who will not allow the attacks of satan to stop them.
Men who will not be bought and paid for like a sack of sugar on the open
market.  Things are only going to get worse as real persecution comes to
Christians in this nation like we have ever experienced.  This is not only a
war for souls, but a war to have the ability to have our voice heard and
beliefs shared with the masses like those who serve satan share their lies
of destruction.

I realize most aren't on the front lines 24/7 like I am.  From time to time
I need to report back so you know what is happening in this battle we are
involved in.  The world wants to silence our voice and keep the Truth from
being told.  They LOVE the Osteens, Warrens, Jakes, guys like Wyatt, and
others who will compromise the Truth and sell out the faith.  IN THE END

I love you and care about you so much.  I pray today that God will stir your
heart.  While most are simply trying to live their lives and deal with the
day-to-day issues they face, they are oblivious to the wars that are being
waged in the heavenlies.  Satan sees this moment as his time to finally
destroy our nation and the Christian influence it has on the world.  He is
using every means possible to accomplish that.

Simply preaching the pure Gospel and Truth from the Bible is going to become
very difficult.  Now more than ever that Truth MUST be shouted from the
rooftops to a lost world whose only answer is Jesus Christ.  Please keep me
in your prayers each day.  I will remain on the front lines to bring God's
Truth and the hope of Christ to the lost and hurting.  I won't run, won't
compromise, and won't be bought off.  Our nation, the nations of the world,
and the eternal souls of men are at stake!!!

***As we are nearly 1/2 of the way thru January, let me ask you to please
pray about making that gift to Liveprayer this month.  I know from all of
these years, January can be a difficult month for many due to the Christmas
bills that are coming in.  Also, many are facing difficult times, but I also
know God has protected and blessed most through this economic storm.  What
better way to show your gratitude than by using some of those resources to
bring His hope to so many lost and hurting souls.

Less than 1/4 of 1% ever give to Liveprayer.  Many have been blessed by
Liveprayer for many years and have never supported God's work here.  It has
been the faithfulness of many friends these past 112 months that has allowed
us to be a blessing to millions.  Now you can be a blessing to someone who
needs Christ by sending the most generous gift you can today.  The Bible
teaches to give as you are able.  For some that may be a gift of $20 or $50.
For others it may be a gift of $100 or $200.  Still others can give $500,
$1,000, or even more.   It is not the amount God sees, but your heart.
Simply be obedient and give as the Holy Spirit guides you to give.

Also, don't forget we still need to raise $34,000 immediately to cover the
balance of our Florida State Fair budget.  Please be in prayer about making
a special gift towards this bold and visible outreach!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our
secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give
using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller at liveprayer.com, or
you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St. Petersburg,
FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

Thank you for standing with me.  Now is the moment, this is the time.  It is
a new year.  We must forge ahead to lead this nation back to God and to
Biblical values, and bring His hope to the lost.  May you be richly blessed
as you serve and follow Him.  Together, God can use our lives to impact
millions of souls in these last days for all eternity!

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

If I can help you in any way you can contact me through my personal email
bkeller at liveprayer.com

die one day.  At that moment, you will either spend eternity with the Lord
or be cast into everlasting darkness forever separated from God your
To know for certain you will be forever with Jesus, go to:

***I am excited to let you know that the Liveprayer Daily Devotional is now
available via AUDIO each day.  Simply go to
Also, you can now listen to the Daily Devotional by phone by calling,

***TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our
secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give
using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller at liveprayer.com ,
or you can mail your gift to:

6660 46th Ave. North
St. Petersburg, Fl 33709

All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

(C) Copyright 2009, Bill Keller Ministries. All rights reserved.


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