[Faith-talk] Informal poll on different religions

John J. Boyer john at godtouches.org
Tue Jun 8 01:06:59 UTC 2010

You probably know that I am a Catholic. Of course we can go directly to 
God with genuine repentance. However, the priest in confession acts as a 
counselor and also perform the sacramental rite of forgiveness, which 
confers extra graces. I can't remember the chap-ter and verse, but in 
the Gospel of John Jesus appears to the disciples on the eve of his 
resurrection and says "Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you firgive 
they are forgiven; whose sins you hold bound they are bound." There is 
also the passage in Matthew where Jesus gives Peter the "keys" to the 
Kingdom of Heaven. 

I'm almost a monk. I go to God almost continually with repentance, but I 
avail myself of confession whenever I can to get the counsels of the 
priest and the extra graces which the sacrament brings.


On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 06:34:44PM -0400, valkemadenise at aol.com wrote:
> I am not a pastor or preiest and don't know if I am addressing the 
> question correctly but I looked up a few verses.
> Hebrews 4:15-16 states that we can approach the throne of grace boldy 
> because of what Jesus did.  Hebrews is full of verses talking about 
> Jesus being our high priest and how He fulfilled the law and we are in 
> a new covenant.
> Matt. 18:15-20 The Offended brother
> States that we should go directly to the brother and try to reconcile 
> but if he doesn't listen, we should go to the church with the spirit of 
> reconciling the brother.
> I John 1:9,10 states that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and 
> just to forgive us and cleanse us from all our unrighteousness.  We can 
> go directly to Jeus to intercede and confess our sins without going to 
> a Priest/Pastor, However; James 5:16 states to confess our faults one 
> to another so that we can be healed.  There is an expression that we 
> are as sick  as our secrets and there is healing in sharing them to 
> appropriate people.
> Mat. 5:23-224 states that if you are presenting a gift at the altar and 
> know of an offense, go to the brother and be reconciled first and then 
> come back to the altar.  In Mat. 6:114,15 Jesus states that you forgive 
> and your Father in heaven will forgive you.  Paul states in Eph. 4:32 
> to be tenderhearted, forgiving one another in love.
> Please go to God in His Word prayer!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: qubit <lauraeaves at yahoo.com>
> To: Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and religion 
> <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Fri, Jun 4, 2010 10:26 pm
> Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] Informal poll on different religions
> Actually, doesn't it say somewhere in the new testament that when you 
> have
> offended someone you should settle matters between you and him and also 
> seek
> forgiveness -- I know I read that scripture somewhere. Maybe it's in 
> the 4
> gospels.
> Anyway, what I'm saying is I can't think of a bible verse on confessing 
> to a
> priest, or am I wrong?
> sorry, i wasn't prepared to send this email...*smile* -- but maybe 
> someone
> else can think of the reference.
> --le
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "trising" <trising at sbcglobal.net>
> To: "Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and religion"
> <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 8:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] Informal poll on different religions
> We believe that you can know beyond a shadow of a doubt if you are 
> going to
> heaven by trusting that Jesus died for your sins and rose again because 
> He
> loves us so much he wants us to be in heaven with Him. It is by grace 
> alone
> that we are saved, and not of works. I think that Catholics believe 
> that one
> has to do good works in order to be saved and fulfill certain 
> obligations. I
> do not go to church because I am obligated, or because I believe it will
> earn me points toward salvation. I go to church because I know I am 
> going to
> Heaven and I am filled with gratitude for the sacrifice Christ made for 
> me
> to get me there. We do not believe that any human being is sinless. All 
> have
> sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I believe the Catholics teach
> that Mary was sinless. We believe that you can go directly to God with 
> our
> praise and prayers. Catholics often speak of praying to saints for their
> requests. Hopefully I have not offended anyone by saying any of these
> things. The question was asked about how Lutherans and Catholics 
> differ. I
> tried to answer it to the best of my knowledge. Also, we believe that 
> we go
> directly to Christ to ask for forgiveness for our sins. Catholics are
> encouraged to confess sins to a priest who then offers certain prayers 
> to be
> said for forgiveness.
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John J. Boyer, Executive Director
GodTouches Digital Ministry, Inc.
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Peace, Love, Service

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