[Faith-talk] Born again versus born christians or any faith members

Peter Wolfe sunspot005 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 05:39:57 UTC 2010

Le and others:

   If your parents, friends or asasociates didn't ask you to join
christianity then how would you know to pick christianity? Likewise, I
am confused if you don't know of the christian God in the myriad of
the competition then why should you go to Hell over it? I also
question the division of interpretation of the Bible with different
dominations and I understand there are some core principles intact
just the infighting is ridiculous. Some southern baptist think sadly
that catholics will go to Hell when catholics to my knowledge and
experience in the past two months shows me a more opening point of
    My thing in general about any religion is that people  pick up
quotes from it and theologians don't even know the answers. Plus, the
hypocracy, blasophomies and corruption rampant in christian thought
and other rligions and people want to know why peopple arne't
christians or any religion? Th esecular state according to a Pew Forum
is growing elsewhere around the world evident in Europe and in America
as well. The dictate against political or social ambigeous details
like homosexuality, abortions, socialistic health care, feeding the
hungry (food stamps), military support, and etc. The fact is that I
see contridictions in the Bible versus all christian thought save for
universalist like anti-war, universal health care, feeding the hungry,
clothing the naked and things along those lines. YOu are to give and
not expect anything in return right? How could socialism is considered
evil onto itself when charity onto itself isn't sufficent nor has been
evident with the Elizabethian Poor Law of 1601, almshouses in 19th
century, prisons, food stamps, social security, military conquests and
things of that sort.
     Quite frankly people I've ran across arre justifying everything
from an arbitirary interpretation over a book. We aren't meant to be
divided, we are supposed to be united as christians as fellow men and
women not divided as we are now. In the south, I see almost no hope
what so ever cause of the divisiveness of homogony.

On 6/17/10, qubit <lauraeaves at yahoo.com> wrote:
> You know, I hope I don't offend anyone by a humorous line, but I once saw a
> plaque with a picture of a cute puppy face on it, and the caption said
> "blessed are those who expect nothing, for they shall not be
> disappointed..."
> That may be  a rude play on the beatitudes, but there is a truth in it that
> in a weird way can apply to some of life's situations.  What I mean is, if
> you give someone something not expecting anything in return -- chances are
> you may not get anything in return, but there is that chance that your good
> deed will bear fruit.  In either case, you are not disappointed! *smile*
> I know you are talking about the after life and not about daily life, but if
> we live this life as if we can't expect anything afterwards unless we do
> good here, hmm--someone help me -- then if there is nothing, are we
> disappointed/? Ok so maybe it doesn't apply exactly. It, after all, is not a
> beatitude, but a play on them.
> That leads me to say, maybe it would be a good idea to reread the
> beatitudes -- aren't they in Matthew 5? They are quite uplifting as they are
> all about blessings.
> Have a great day, whether or not you expect to! *smile*
> --le
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Peter Wolfe" <sunspot005 at gmail.com>
> To: <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:35 AM
> Subject: [Faith-talk] Born again versus born christians or any faith members
> --
> Peter
> Webmaster
> http://www.darkstruggle.com
> webmaster at darkstruggle.com
> alternative e-mail
> sunspot005 at gmail.com
> To list::
>     I'm wondering what the proportions versus born again to born
> christians are in here on this list? This could consist of any faith
> and in general to us the blind if possible only. I just find it hard
> now that I'm blind to believe in all knowing and all loving God that
> cares about me? I question the sincerity, yet I go to church like
> others. I wander around in my head whether or not it's all a crock
> like Marx stated "Religion is opium for the masses" or there is a all
> knowing-loving God out there for us. Another fundamental in general
> terms is that there are religions before, during and after the
> creation of christianity and who is to say which is right or what is
> wrong? I mean it's all geopolitical and the west's default now is
> christianity, middle east's Islam, far east being China is buddahist
> or Hindi or whatever indigenous religions in the world in Africa to
> Latin America. I also question my faith and pray and return
> continiously to the same cycle of sin over and over. The apathy of
> christians is a self-restrain hypocritical or overly judgemental view
> of a narrow interest privledged lifestyle of upbringing into one
> unquestionable homogenous faith being christianity. Thankss for any
> venting on your part on your voyage to faith or faithlessness as well.
> Another thing is that what if you end up at the end of your life and
> die to find out either nothing is there or your God wasn't who you
> thought in your Bible it was going to be like?
> sincerely,
> Pete
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