[Faith-talk] "Where Is He?" by Ruth E. Johnson

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 10:45:30 UTC 2011

Today we are not looking at a question Jesus asked but rather one that was asked about Him.  The Magi from far eastern lands began their pilgrimage to Jerusalem only because God somehow had revealed Himself to them.  They were convinced that there was a King and that they had to find Him, and they came asking where He was (Matt. 2:2).

Seeking God is a rewarding experience.  "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13), Jeremiah told the exiles in Babylon.

At this season of the year, every mall broadcasts Christmas carols.  Even the nonbeliever sometimes mindlessly hums along.  Churches will be packed on what is called "Christmas Sunday," as those who attend only on this day and Easter make their appearances.  In no way can we call this seeking God with a whole heart.  Such people may leave the church with a warm fuzzy feeling, but most remain unchanged in their souls.  They will not have met God because they did not seek Him.  Lip service once or twice a year is not true worship.

What is seeking God all about? The beginning point is recognizing that you do not commence with yourself.  You start with the realization that you exist only because God called you into being.  Moreover, He had a purpose for doing so, formed in His loving heart.  You make many choices in life--friends, vocation, spouse, or church--but you cannot choose your purpose.

Only as you seek to know God and draw near to Him will you begin to align your life with His plan.  Seeking God means immersing yourself in His Word, allowing Him to reveal what He wants you to do on this earth, and cooperating with Him as He makes you like Jesus.

Colossians 1:16 says that "all things were created by Him, and for Him." It follows that if you were fashioned for Him, He will reveal Himself to you if your heart truly wants to know why He created you.

God led the Magi step by step, and they followed until they found the reason for their journey.  It will be the same with you.  If you are a believer in Christ, the indwelling Holy Spirit will guide and lead you as you embark on the journey of truly seeking a closer relationship with your Creator and Lord--with your whole heart.

It is the sincere hope and prayer of the undersigned that this devotional article has been a blessing to you.  Until tomorrow when, Lord willing another such article will be presented, I remain your obedient servant of the One who lived, died for your sins and now lives forever to bring you His salvation and peace, Paul Barnabas.

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