[Faith-talk] Five steps to Revival

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Sat Jul 9 05:19:10 UTC 2011

Hi, it's Joshua Lester.
As I was thinking about revival, God began to deal with me.
I heard about a sign on a church, that said these words.
"CPR," "Commitment+passion = revival."
As I began to think along those lines, God showed me some things, to consider.
Second Chronicles, 7:14, tells us this.
"If my people, which are called by my name, would humble themselves,
and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then, I'll
hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land."
In this verse, we see a call to repentance, and prayer.
We include fasting, with repentance, and prayer, because fasting is a
sign of humility.
When you repent, make a commitment to God, then ask God to restore the
passion for the lost, then we'd start fasting and praying.
When we do that, we need to put feet to our prayers, and start witnessing.
We spend alot of time fasting and praying for revival, but we
eliminate the last step.
Proverbs, 11:30, says, "He that winneth souls, is wise."
The flipside to this is, he that doesn't win souls is a fool.
We have alot of fools, in our churches today.
It's time we stop being foolish, and start winning souls for Christ.
Jesus is coming back!
If we don't witness to people we meet, and if they die, without
knowing Jesus, it's our fault.
Their blood is on our hands, if we don't share the gospel with them.
The 5 steps to revival, once again are,
#1. Repentance,
#2. Commitment,
#3. A renewed passion to win the lost,
#4. Fasting and prayer, and
#5. Witnessing, (soul winning.)

Blessings, Joshua

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