[Faith-talk] I just want to share.

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Sun Jun 5 08:21:45 UTC 2011

Hi, it's Joshua Lester.
We've been discussing oneness, verses trinity, all week.
I would like to share, how I got to where I am today.
I wasn't brought up in this.
I was born, in 1989, to a Quaker family.
I was raised in a little Friends church, where I was taught holiness,
and sanctification.
I repented of my sins, at the age of 4, at an AG church, where a
Gospel concert was going on.
My first real exposure to Pentecost came, when my family got cable.
I was exposed to Oral Roberts, and Benny Hinn.
I learned, that it was God's will to heal, and that it wasn't his will
for me to have sickness.
I learned, that Jesus paid the price for my healing, on the cross,
(Isaiah, 53:5, First Peter, 2:28.)
When I was 10 years old, I heard of two things, that would turn my life around.
I was at school, when a little boy in my class, was making fun of a
girl in the same class.
He made fun of her, because her church believed in speaking in tongues.
I asked her what that was about, and she showed me, while we were
waiting on our ride home.
Well, I read Acts 2, in my Bible, and began to seek God.
I continued reading Acts, and found that every believer that received
the Holy Ghost, spoke in tongues.
After all of this studying, I asked my friend what church she attended.
She told me, that it was that AG church.
My family wouldn't let me go, but when I was 14, our church stopped
having wednesday night prayer meeting.
I'm getting ahead of myself.
Back to when I was 10.
My pastor would make cassettes of Southern Gospel music, off of the
radio station.
I began to notice, how he would stop the tape, when a certain
broadcast would come on.
It was the Lighthouse Pentecostal Church, of Beebe, AR, with Dr. John Sheal.
He would mention Acts, 2:38, and my pastor, (I guess,) didn't want me
to hear that, so he'd stop the tape.
I found the station, and that's where I first heard of Jesus name baptism.
The Quakers teach, that baptism isn't necessary for salvation, so
that's why you won't see a baptistry in their churches.
I had heard my pastors, (Quaker, and AG,) refer to those "Jesus only," people.
I thought the Jesus name baptizers, were trinity, like everyone else.
I had never heard the term, "Apostolic."
I had visited a church, called the Apostolic church, but they weren't
Pentecostal, (IE,) running, shouting, dancing, speaking in tongues,
They had that stuff on the door, (Apostolic Pentecostal,) but there
was no experience.
Well, after seeking God for the holy Ghost, I was watching tv, again.
I was 14 years old, when I turned on the tv, and Robert Tilton was on.
When God wants to do something, he'll use whoever he can, to get it to happen.
Beau Williams was singing, "Every time I feel the Spirit, moving in my
soul, I'll pray."
As Beau was singing, I felt the power of God.
I was knocked off of the couch, to the floor, on my knees.
My hands were raised toward Heaven, and I had received the holy Ghost,
speaking in tongues.
I told my friend about it, and started attending the AG youth group.
I played the piano for the band, as well.
I spent 5 years in the AG.
My grandmother, (who had raised me in church,) read about a new
church, in the paper.
I went to visit, and we asked if they needed a pianist.
The pastor said, that they did.
I would play that piano, and sing with them, with no problem, but that
was until I noticed something.
I was 16, when Brother Meadows, (the AG pastor,) baptized me in the
name of F S and HG.
I was at the Grace and Truth Tabernacle, (which was in an old
firehouse,) playing for my current pastor, when we sang a song.
We sang, "He's God in the Father.
He's God in the son.
He's God in the Holy Ghost
and all these three are one."
Chorus: "I know God is God
and God won't ever change.
I know God is God."
The pastor sang, "And Jesus is his name," but I was singing the
popular, "and he always will be God."
After that, I asked him if he was "Jesus Only."
He said, "I don't like the term, "Jesus Only."
He said, "We're oneness.
I was interested, so I started off debating him.
Brother Meadows said, that the Jesus Only people beat around the bush,
but my current pastor didn't.
He showed me scriptures, and said, "Debate won't get you anywhere."
Just read the scriptures, and let the Holy Ghost deal with you.
I did that, and as I was hearing trinity, at the Quaker church, (I
still attended there on sunday mornings,) I was reading oneness, in my
Braille Bible.
The light went on, and on 8-6-2008, at 6:37, PM, I was gloriously
baptized in Jesus name.
Remember that Apostolic church I mentioned earlier?
Well, we just merged with them, and revival has come to DeWitt, Arkansas.
We have seen many souls saved.
Out of this experience, God has given me an archive of songs.
I have written approximately, 25 songs, and am working on another one.
I thank God, for showing me this way.
The AG friends of mine ask me, why I won't go back.
I ask them, "Why would I want to be miserable?"
I know who Jesus is, and you can too.
I pray, that this has been a blessing to you.
Please check out our site, www.graceandtruthtabernacle.webs.com, and
click on "Our Beliefs," and "The Pastor's Pen."
Blessings, Joshua

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