[Faith-talk] FW: [thefamilyoffaith] Lowell Lundstrom - (HOW TO MAKE YOUR WALLET FAT!)

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Tue Jun 7 16:50:38 UTC 2011

Original Message: 
From: "TONY - Family of Faith" <familyoffaith at tampabay.rr.com>
To: <thefamilyoffaith at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [thefamilyoffaith] Lowell Lundstrom  - (HOW TO MAKE YOUR WALLET
Tue, 7 Jun 2011 06:34:28 -0400

Devotions for Busy People

      June 7  -   TRY TEARS!


      Someone has said that intercession is a humble ministry because
only God knows how much of your life has been given in prayer.  Today, many
Christians are competing for the chance to play the piano, sing, or testify
publicly in church.  But few compete for the position of intercessor
because the intercessor works alone with God.   

       Alone with God, you ascend to the throne room of heaven.  In
prayer you have access to the Holy of Holies.  You can almost hear the
rustle of angel's wings!  Best of all, you can feel the deepest emotions of

       The story is told of several Salvation Army officers who wrote to
General William Booth, their leader, "How can we win the lost?"  Booth's
reply was, "Try tears."  A heart truly moved by compassion will express
itself in tears.

      When Dr. Bacchus of Hamilton College was dying, his doctor came
into the room and gave him a brief examination.  Then the doctor conferred
in a subdued and serious tone with friends standing in the doorway. 

      "What did the doctor say?"  Dr. Bacchus asked his friends when the
doctor had left.

      "He said, sir," a friend answered, "That you cannot live more than
one half hour."

      "Then take me out of bed and place me on my knees!" the dying man
pleaded.  "Let me spend the time in prayer for this sinful world."  Moments
later, Dr. Bacchus passed from bended knee to Paradise.

      Have you ever really felt the broken heart of God for lost sinners?
 Jeremiah, the "weeping prophet" did.  General William Booth did.  Dr.
Bacchus did.  God wants you to have this same measure of concern.  He wants
to draw others to Himself through you.  Will you draw near to God until
your heart beats with the same aching throb as His?

      "Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears,
that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my
people!"  (Jer. 9:1).


Also read:     Luke 19:41; Acts 19:17-21; Phil. 3:17-21

      Scripture links by Blue Letter Bible

      (c) Lowell Lundstrom 1983-2011
      Listen to this week's Good News Radio show with Lowell & Connie.
Click to listen 

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