[Faith-talk] FW: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] In My Name you will by Gloria Copeland

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Thu Jun 16 19:21:11 UTC 2011

Original Message: 
From: Donna Kiser <kiserdonna5 at gmail.com>
To: URCTCPrayerGroup2 at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] In My Name you will by Gloria Copeland
Thu, 16 Jun 2011 13:22:48 -0400

 In My Name, You Will...Gloria Copeland

'In My name [you] will cast out demons.'

- Mark 16:17, New King James Version

Wait a minute, you may be thinking, I've been saved for 20 years and
has been in me the whole time. But He has never preached any sermons or
healed any sick people through me.

That's because you haven't expected Him to do those things. You see, even
though the Anointed One is in you, He is not going to be revealed through
you unless you use your faith. That shouldn't surprise you. After all,
everything we receive from God-even the new birth-must be activated in our
lives by faith.

Thus, if you want the Anointed One who lives in you to begin to be
manifested through you, you'll have to believe God for it. You can't just
sit back and wait to see what happens. You must lay hold of the promise of
God and believe what the Word says, rather than what your circumstances or
experiences say.

You may feel as though you have no power or anointing at all. But the
of God says, "After...ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit
promise" (Ephesians 1:13). To be sealed means "to be stamped with an
That means, when you were born again, you were stamped with the likeness
the Anointed One. You were made to look like the Lord Jesus Christ on the

What you need to do now is believe that, and let what God put on the
of you come out! Seek to yield to the Anointed One within you every day.
Him have His way. Expect the divine life already in you to begin to flow,
others can see the Lord Jesus Christ through you!

Put your faith into action by spending time with Him. Set your affections
those things that are above. Desire Him to reveal Himself through you so
much that you're willing to set aside other things and seek Him first.

I firmly believe that the more important Jesus becomes to us, the more He
will reveal Himself through us. So make up your mind to hunger for Him and
to give Him His way in you every day. As you do, He'll begin to bless
through you.

*Scripture Reading:* Colossians 1:25-29

[image: visit with God.gif]

*Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable
Your sight, O Lord, my [firm, impenetrable] Rock and my Redeemer. Ps

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