[Faith-talk] I'm starting a new list.

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Fri Sep 16 10:35:22 UTC 2011

Hi, it's Joshua Lester.
I won't be posting here, very much, anymore.
I've decided to start a new mailing list, to discuss Apostolic
Pentecost, so if anyone's interested, please E-mail me off list.
I've already E-mailed my moderator, and an administrator.
The list will be called, "The Apostolic Post."
This will serve, as an Internet mailing list, for blind Apostolic
Pentecostals, and those interested in what we believe.
There will be no criticism of our beliefs, allowed on this new list.
If a Pentecostal is mocked, I'm banning whoever mocks that person.
This will be a civil discussion, and not a debating room!
Again, if you're interested, please E-mail me off list at
jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu.
If I come across something, that I want to post on here, I will, but I
won't be posting as regularly as I have been.
Thanks, Joshua

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