[Faith-talk] Friday's Quotes

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 09:31:20 UTC 2011

Hello and good day to you all.  Hope you had a peaceful and restful sleep last night, by God's matchless grace and His providential care.  Here are today's quotes.  Be blessed as you read them.

Our attitude in worship is far more important than the position of our worship.

Run the race with eternity in view.

First impressions often lead to wrong conclusions.  (quote compiler's comment:  Especially among us blind and others with disabilities as perceived by the able-bodied crowd).

Believe in God and you'll believe in miracles; believe in His Son and you'll experience one!

Too many people make a mistake by burying their talents.

Poverty of purpose is worse than poverty of purse.

The more we love Christ, the more we'll love others.

God's call to a task includes His strength to complete it.

When we worship God, only our best is good enough.

Pray not for a life free from trouble, but for triumph over trouble.

And there you have it for today.  Until tomorrow when, Lord willing more quotes will be presented, I remain your obedient servant of the Lord, Paul Barnabas.

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