[Faith-talk] FW: [thefamilyoffaith] COMMANDED NOT TO WORRY

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Mon Apr 9 20:39:42 UTC 2012

Original Message: 
From: "Mary Ann" <serenity77 at shaw.ca>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: [thefamilyoffaith] COMMANDED NOT TO WORRY
Mon, 9 Apr 2012 10:34:34 -0600

Did You Know that We are Commanded Not to Worry?

Worry is not biblical because it is not living by faith. It takes an
effort to learn how to live according to the will of God, but to learn how
to control yourself is well worth the effort. Some Christians are unaware
of how "worry" is identified in the Word as sin... Anything that is against
the explicit instructions from the Lord is wrong, and we should not engage
in it. Worry is the opposite of casting your cares upon Him (He who is
able) because He cares for you. 

If we give Him all of our problems, we need to leave them with Him and
not take them back after we're finished praying. We are directed by the
Word that we should worry about nothing; and pray about everything. In
fact, we are commanded not to fret (or worry), and we wouldn't have been
instructed not to do so if we were unable to control ourselves in this
area. In other words, if you are worried about something, then it is time
to research God's Word for truth, or God's promises in that area, so that
you can depend on Him for the answer by what He has already promised you.
(See "God's Promises" for more information on "standing on God's word" for

What God Says About Worry, Or "how not to" ...

God warns us in James 1:22 that we need to be "doers of the word, and not
hearers, only". With that said, we need to do what we are instructed to do
regarding worry, because He would not tell us to do something that we were
incapable of doing. Philippians 4:6 instructs us not to worry ("be careful
for nothing" and in one translation it states to "fret about nothing") in
order to reap the benefits of having peace in our life, as described in the
next verse. Philippians 4:7 describes the peace that only He can provide
for us ("and the peace of God which surpasseth all understanding shall keep
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"), by continually focusing on
what Paul describes in the following verse, He literally tells us how to
maintain peace in our lives: Philippians 4:8: tells us what to focus on in
order to continue in walking in peace ("whatsoever things are true;
whatsoever things are honest; whatsoever things are just; whatsoever things
are pure; whatsoever things are lovely; whatsoever things are of good
report; if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these

Here's How to "Take God's Advice" ...

In essence, if we take His advice seriously and make an effort to become
"doers of the Word - instead of hearers only", we will learn how to keep
our minds focused on good things, and not allow ourselves to fret or worry
about anything. Instead, by prayer and supplication, we will make our
requests known to God, and only focus on those things which are true,
lovely, and of good report. After following these directions and actually
being mindful of actively following them, we will begin to experience His
rewards by having the ultimate experience of peace in our lives, no matter
the circumstances.

The Fruit of Obedience v. Disobedience of God's Word ...

Paul was a good teacher instructing us to be immitators of Christ. We are
implored to spend time daily in God's Word and in prayer, so we can not
only learn more about His ways, but also to become sensitive to the leading
of the Holy Spirit. By spending time with the Lord each day, we hear that
still, small voice inside of us that helps us to distinguish between right
and wrong. When we do the right thing, we are rewarded. If we don't know
what the right thing is, then we need to ask the Lord. On the other hand,
when we are disobedient, there are always consequences. The Lord wants to
warn us, guide us, and direct us in all our ways in order to protect us.
When we choose to go against His will and refuse to listen to that still,
small voice, our protection is no longer guaranteed.

For example, if we get caught speeding, we get a ticket and have to pay a
fine. The Word directs us that if we get angry, we are not to sin. However,
if we do sin when we are angry, there will be consequences. God will
forgive you, if you ask, but you made the decision to go against His ways,
so you then suffer the consequences. While you are paying for it or
suffering those consequences, the good news is that the Lord will be right
there with you. All you have to do is repent, and He is quick to forgive
and will give you peace, no matter what you are going through. My point is
that we all make our own choices in everything we do. Right decisions have
rewards, while wrong decisions have consequences... The good news is that
God is a rewarder! With respect to worry, if we choose to focus only on
things with good report, and cast our cares upon Him, we will learn how to
live in peace and not allow "things" to cause us undue stress.

The Issue is "Focusing on Prayer that Depends on God" ...

As you open your prayer time focusing on how awesome God is, you remind
yourself in this praise and worship time just how small our problems really
are. Meditate on all of the miracles in the Bible, who else could have done
all of these things? In the Old Testament, who else could have saved the
nation of Israel or split the Red Sea? In the New Covenant, we can only try
to imagine Christ giving sight to the blind, healing the lame and raising
the dead. The power of God's Words created the universe! When we focus on
all the ways the Lord has protected us in the past, and how He promises us
a future to prosper us and to give us hope (Jeremiah 29:11), we realize
that He is capable of helping or showing us how to resolve all of our
problems... one by one, as we trust in Him. In so doing, as we submit
ourselves to Him, and learn His will for our lives through His promises, we
become more fully dependent upon Him for the answers by giving Him control
of every area of our lives.

Our problems are nothing to God! It's like going to Africa... and seeing
first-hand all of the starving people for yourselves... or hearing about
other people's trials and tribulations in going through cancer, etc., who
have gone through so much more than we could ever imagine... somehow our
problems seem so small in comparison. When we really focus on "Who God Is",
we realize that only He can enable us to get through the problems we are
facing. We are encouraged by the Holy Spirit that "I can do all things
through Christ Jesus who strengthens me" and realize first-hand that
"without Him, we can do nothing". 

Focusing on the "Character of God" ...

The Word states that our problems are small in the Eyes of the Lord. When
we can finally get to a place where we know in our heart of hearts that God
is bigger than our problems, and He is able, then we can give it to Him.
That's why the Lord wants you to take your mind off of yourself, and focus
on Him, so that He can give you rest. The more we focus on the problems,
the bigger they become, but circumstances are only temporary; God is
forever. We need to learn how to turn it around to where we focus on God
and how Awesome and Glorious He is, and put all of our problems at the foot
of the cross, casting all of our cares upon Him, because He cares for you.
Remind Him in prayer that you are looking to Him for the answer, and thank
Him for bringing you Good News!!!

An Example of "Fear-based prayer" ...

When you focus on the problem, then the problem becomes even too big for
God to handle. In other words, the problem becomes so magnified that you
feel as if there is no way out... You don't know if "God" can even handle
it. (That's saying a lot). This is fear-based prayer. When you doubt in any
way God's ability to handle something, then you are contaminating your
faith by your doubt. You simply can't be both positive and negative at the
same time; God doesn't honor what He refers to as "luke warm" or what we
call "straddling the fence". God is only moved by faith; that's why angels
harken to the words of God because when you speak His words, you are using
your faith and mixing it with God's faith, and what God has already said
about you. The Lord simply does not respond to doubt.

Remember, "Doubt Contaminates Faith" ...

If you have become negative, repent of your doubt and for not fully
trusting in Him; submit yourself (mind, words, and actions) as a living
sacrifice to be lead by the Holy Spirit and declare that you are placing
all of your trust in Him alone. He alone is worthy to be praised! Praise
Him for understanding and for giving you faith in His word, and ask Him to
reveal the truth to you through reading His word, through other people or
through circumstances, however He chooses, and He will!

Faith-Based Prayer "Moves God" ...

By magnifying the Lord and giving Him all the praise, glory and honor,
for He alone is worthy - for all that He is in your life and all that He
has done - the problems suddenly get smaller. It is only then that we come
to the realization that the Lord can take care of anything that ails or
concerns us! Please know that there is nothing too small - and certainly
nothing to large - to bring to the Lord because anything that concerns you,
concerns Him. Leave it at the foot of the cross by telling Him that you are
giving Him everything that causes you anxiety or pain, for Him to take care
of. Then, every time it comes up again, thank the Lord for taking care of
it for you. Thanking Him is a step of faith, because you already gave it to
Him and you are speaking your belief that He is taking care of it for you.
You already put your faith in His ability and trusted in Him to take care
of it for you,so now your job is to let Him keep it - and just sit back and
believe that He will honor your faith by providing the miracle you are
believing for.

That's precisely what one lady finally did that had cancer, lost her job
and was losing her home. She finally took her eyes off of her circumstances
and made God bigger, and when she submitted all of her problems to Him, He
took care of everything for her!!! He healer her, gave her back her job and
miraculously gave her favor with her mortgage company - all at once - she
was blessed and honored for her faith. We don't always get immediate,
simultaneous results like she did, but He is capable of doing anything. We
are consoled when we pray and send His word into our problem, to heal and
to restore, because His Word does not return to Him void, but does exactly
what it was sent out to do (Isaiah 55:11). So keep the faith that
everything you ask shall be done for you, for it is the prayer of faith
that moves God. Remember that it is ultimately His will that we be in
health, and prosper in "all" things, i.e. peace, love, joy, and,
financially, as well (what part does "all" leave out? nothing!). He wants
to bless you so that you can be a blessing to others.

Jesus is such an awesome God! All He has ever been about since before He
walked this earth to "show us" is love and compassion for us. No where in
the Bible does it say that He only heals some, and others have to remain
sick for a reason Rather, it states that He healed them ALL and He is still
healing His people today who come to Him in faith, and worship Him without
doubting in their hearts. 

Remember to pray the prayer of faith in every area of your lives. So,
when you pray, don't say: "Oh God, I hope you will supply my needs" because
those are words of doubt. Instead say something like: "Father, thank You
that You keep every promise You make. Your Word says that You will supply
all my needs according to Your riches in glory, by Christ Jesus
(Philippians 4:19). Therefore, I thank You that You will do this thing for
my family. I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen". Thereafter, whenever you
think of that issue, remind yourself that you already put it in the Hands
of Jesus... Thank the Lord for taking care of it for you several times per
day, until you see it come to fruition, because prayer alone does not move
God; while the prayer of faith shall raise the dead and the sick shall
recover (in Him and in His promises) because faith makes things happen!


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