[Faith-talk] Eric Calhoun, taking a moment to care

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Thu Apr 12 18:55:02 UTC 2012

Sometimes it takes a week or so to be with people who are blind to help us
out.  For Federationists, this may include National Convention.  I've
needed to get away from L.A. for a long time.  So when I just read about
happiness from a devotional, I know I have to send something to Faith Talk.
 Everyone makes mistakes!  This is why the Bible says that all have sinned.
 In the pen-pal box, I've made a few immature mistakes.  But to be happy
doesn't always mean you're unforgiven.  God forgives you, no matter what. 
(See one-liner.)  I have to be a Christian and act like one, which is very
hard.  But it can be done.

Whatever you're going through, I am praying for each and every one of

.. .. Eric Calhoun with the America's Finest City Distribution List,
devoted to San Diego; the Camp Bloomfield List dedicated to the camp in
Malibu, California: Sign up is at eric at pmpmail.com.  ..  .. I'm on
Facebook, at eric at pmpmail.com.  

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