[Faith-talk] FW: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] Fw: 04-28-2012-message ( I am praying for you)

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Sun Apr 29 02:36:07 UTC 2012

Original Message: 
From: "Gerrie Harman" <harman050 at centurytel.net>
To: <URCTCPrayerGroup2 at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] Fw: 04-28-2012-message   ( I am praying for
Sat, 28 Apr 2012 12:47:14 -0500


who think they don't need ME are in serious trouble, because they rely on
their own insufficient abilities.  I AM training you to depend on ME-YOUR
Living in a fallen world can weigh you down.  However, as you keep
looking to ME, I make your feet like the feet of a deer.  I lighten your
load so much that you hardly notice the jagged rocks beneath your feet, or
the steepness of your ascent.  Before you know it, you are on the high
places-with ME!
You need to remember that I AM SOVEREIGN.  I will not help you go along a
path that is not MY CHOICE for you.  So it's vital to commit your way to
ME, asking ME to lead you each step of the way.  This is how you
collaborate with ME as I enable you to go on the heights.

HABAKKUK 3:19, The SOVEREIGN LORD is my STRENGTH; HE makes my feet like
the feet of a deer, HE enables me to go on the heights.

ISAIAH 40:30-31,  Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young
men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.

PSALM 37:5, Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in HIM and HE shall
bring it to pass.


MY child, I call you MY child because you are MY child, and I personally
call all MY children MY child; but some have not heard and cannot believe
that you hear, but all that will come unto ME will hear ME speak from MY
HEART to theirs.  Your ears hear ME not, and your eyes see ME not; yet you
are able to see and hear by faith, because you come seeking to hear.  You
seek to see, and all around you is the handiwork of GOD, YOUR HEAVENLY
of the whole earth which is GOD'S CREATION.  All you can see and hear is of
GOD, but HE is not in everything for satan himself has taken GOD'S CREATION
and brought evil into it: but there is nothing in heaven above and earth
beneath, and all which is in between which isn't of GOD and HIS CREATION. 
The sun and moon belong to ME and every thing was created all for MY GLORY.
 I AM HE, THE LIVING HOLY ONE who did it all and no other can claim what
GOD ABOVE HAS DONE, and I have taken time to consider you, to create you in
MY LIKENESS, that I might make you through the HOLY SPIRIT  become more
like ME.  I have designed you to magnify the LIVING GOD, but satan has
risen up against you, trying to destroy the faith and rob you of your joy:
and he presents himself during these visitations as an angel of light,
trying to cause you to have doubts and fears.  he knows everything to know
about you and he judges you not from a heart of love; he knows you to be a
child of GOD whom he is bent on destroying that he can stop the work of GOD
within you. I always judge with a HEART OF LOVE.   his warfare is not with
MY people, but with ME.  he is an enemy of righteousness because he is MY
enemy while knowing I have allowed him his existence thus far.  Oh! MY
children, spend no time considering him except to know he remains your
enemy, who will continue to present himself to you: but never as himself. 
he will not come telling you that i am satan and i have come to cause you
harm or destroy you.  
I AM WHO I AM, and I AM FOR YOU, in ME you are victorious, and I shall
remain steadfast by your side.  Have satan out of your sight and off your
premises with the WORD for you are who you are because I AM WHO I AM.  MY
little children, you have the protection of your HEAVENLY FATHER no matter
what is.  I AM with MY people guiding them so they need to take heed and be
lead by the SPIRIT who is your SAFEGUARD.  HE knows when you should move,
and when you should stand still.  HE knows when you should speak, and when
you should refrain from speaking; when you should write and what you should
write and HE would have you write nothing  a part from that which shall
exalt the MOST HIGH GOD.  My child, you wanted a short message today;
because you considered that you should be active with your fleshly duties:
but you have no reason to consider anything; but what I tell you to
consider for you should no longer be in the considering business.  You
should think only what GOD would have you think.  You have done too much of
your own thinking for too long, and so have most of MY very OWN people of
which too many have been only half-heartedly for ME; when I have been
whole-heartedly for them.  I speak this not to condemn anyone, but to
remind all who will consider this message of who you are  and of WHOSE you
are.  You belong to ME because I paid MY GREATEST  POSSESSION in order to
possess you that I might have you as children and friends of MINE.
MY HEART is a lonely HUNTER  who is always searching for treasure of
which the souls of men are the treasure of GOD' OWN HEART.  YOUR FATHER'S

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