[Faith-talk] Changes

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Mon Apr 30 18:36:23 UTC 2012

Okay, sorry about that, people.  As much as I want to say this, it's clear
you're not getting anything out of the forwards except erasure, deletion,
and laboriousness.  I, too, think that high list traffic can be a problem. 
So here's an approach: I'm moving the forwards to lists that will accept
them, and Dave, that's clear enough.  But I agree with you, Linda: Paul and
I do not have to generate discussion.

And it's clear that the laboriousness and the repetition of the forwards
is the concern.  Clear enough.

Now, as for Dave, this is mostly what I can do.
.. .. Eric Calhoun with the America's Finest City Distribution List,
devoted to San Diego; the Camp Bloomfield List dedicated to the camp in
Malibu, California: Sign up is at eric at pmpmail.com.  ..  .. I'm on
Facebook, at eric at pmpmail.com.  

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